51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1


Distribution of the Russian sturgeon,

Acipenser gueldensraedtii,

in the Danube drainage system. Regular (continuous black area) and occasional (black and white area)

occurrence at present; regular (continuous white area) and occasional (striped white area) occurrence in the past. Information

on distribution was compiled from Grossinger

(1794), Fitzinger


Heckel (1835), Heckel


Kner (1858), Kornhuber (1863), Siebold (1863) Herman (1887), Ortvay (1902). Antipa (1909), Vutskits (1913), Munda (1926), Kähs-

bauer (1961), and Holcík (1995). Original figure by K. Hensel.

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