51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

data on the range ofA.baeriiare included in Table 1
and Figure 1, and a detailed description of the range
is given below.
In thc Ob-Irtysh basin, the northern boundaryof
the Siberian sturgeon range is located at the Ob Bay
near thc Drovyanoy Cape (Dryagin 1948b. 1949).
The sturgeon occurs in thc Ob River within its en-
tire length, 3680 km from the confuence of the Biya
and Kalun rivers (which form the Ob River), to its
delta. Sturgeon migrate upstream to the Katun Riv-
erfor 50–70 km and werefoundin the mouth of the
Biya River (Dryagin 1949, Pctkevich et al. 1950).
They were also caught in Lake Teletskoe (Berg
1948).Inaddition, the Siberian sturgeon inhabited

the tributaries of the Ob River: the Chulym, Char-
ysh, Nadym, and Irtysh rivers; sometimes they were
found in the mouth of two other large tributaries,
the Polui and Synya rivers (Dryagin 1948b, 1949).
Sturgeon ranged throughout the entire length of
the Trtysh River, up to Zaisan Lake and Chernyi Ir-
tysh River (Sedelnikov 1910, Bogan 1939, Dryagin
1948b, 1949, Petkevichet al. 1950, Votiiiov1963, Vo-
tinov et al. 1975). Siberian sturgeon were also
caught in the Chinese part of the Trtysh River
(Tehernyi Irtysch River) up to the Kren River.Aci-
penserbaeriiinhabited also the Trtysh River tribu-
tary, the Tobol River, and its tributaries, the Tura
and Tavda rivers (Dryagin 1948b1949).

Table 1.Ranges of the subspecies of the Siberian sturgeon,Acipenser baerii

Main rivers or lakes Tributaries

a.Acipenser baerii baerii
(I)Ob River, from the Ob Bay (the northern boundary)upto the
confluence of the Biyaand Katun rivers (3680 km); Teletskoe Lake
(2) Taz River (300 km upstream) and Taz Bay
(3) Pur Kivcr ( 100 km upstream)
(4) Gyda and Yuribey rivers and Gyda Bay

(1) Yenisey Rivcr,fromthe Yenisey Gulf (the northern boundary) up to
the city of Krasnoyarsk (2450 km, upstream the contemporary southern
boundary) or the Oznachennaya village (3100 km upstream, historical
(a) migrating stock (throughout the whole river length);
(b) non-migrating stock (historically, from thc city of Igarka up to the
Oznachennaya village; 2300 km upstream)
(2) Pyasina River Pyasina River basin lakes, Lama Melkoe
(3) Khatanga River (up to the confluence of the Kheta and Kotui rivers) Kheta River (350–460 km up from the confluence with the
(4) Anabar River (a) Vitim Kivcr (860 km upstream);
(b) Olekma River (30 km upstream);
(c) Aldan River and its tributary, the Amga River;
(d)VilyuyRiver and its tributaries, the Chona, Chirkuo,
and Akhtaranda rivers

Chulym,Charysh,Nadyrn, and Irtysh rivcrs

Messo-Yakha, Anti-Payula,Ader-Payutarivcrs

bA. baerii stenorrhynchus
(a) Tuba and Abakan rivers (historically);
(b) Angara, Podkamennaya and Nizhnyaya Tunguska
rivers (non-migrating populations);
(c) tributaries of the Nizhnyaya Tunguska River: the
Kochechumo, Vivi, and Tutokchan rivers

(S) Olenek Rivcr (1020 km upstreasm)
(6) Indigirka River (850 km upstream)
(7)Alazeya River Bor-Yuryakh River
(8) Kolyma River (1500 km upstream)
c.A. baeriibaicalensis
Baikal Lake and its trubutaries

Korkodon and Ozhogina rivers

(a) SelengaKiver (1000 km upstream) and its tributaries,
Chikoy andOrhonrivers;
(b)Tulaand Delger-Muren river;
(c) Barguzin River (300kmupstream);
(d) Verkhnyaya Angara (100–150 km upstream) and
Kichera rivers
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