Figure 2.Acipenserid fishesof theAmur River: a -
the head of kaluga. H. dauricus,d - ventral surface of the head of a kaluga/Amur sturgeon hybrid, and e - ventral surface of the head of
Amur sturgeon,A. schrenckii.Note difference in head and mouth shape ofH.dauricusandA. schrenekii.
kaluga,Huso dauricus, b -Amur sturgeon, Acpenser schrenckii,c-ventral surface of
of measuring morphological characters and deter-
mining age were used (Romeis 1954, Pravdin 1966).
is 48 km long and I6 km wide at the mouth of the
river. The Amur River is 4092 km long if its longest
tributary, the Shilka River, is included. The total
size of the basin is 1 856 000 km^2. For much of its
length, it forms the border between Russia and Chi-
According to the structure of its valley, bed and
flow characteristics, the Amur River can be divided
into three parts (Figure 1). The upper reach of the
General characteristics of the Amur River
The Amur River is formed by the confluence of the
Argun and Shilka rivers (Figure 1). It enters into the
Amur estuary of the Tatar Strait. The Amur estuary