near future this type of uncontrolled fishery will
decimate kaluga and Amur sturgeon populations in
the estuary and the lower Amur. Contamination of
the Amur River and its tributaries with heavy met-
als, oil products, phenols, organic substances, and
other pollutants is a potential but unknown threat.
Because they spawn on the river bed, the low wa-
ter level in the Amur River during some years does
not apparently affect the breeding of sturgeons.
our original draft. The English text was substantial-
ly revised and improved by Vadim Birstein. Williaim
E. Bemis drew the map.
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Krykhtin, M.L. 1984a. On the causes of kaluga death in the Amur
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Kyrkhtin,M.L. 1948b. Comparative estimate of the rate of repro-
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Krykhtin, M.L. 1985. Ecological-physiological variability in the
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Most young and adult fish also feed in the same area Artyukhin, E.N. & A.E. Andronov. 1990. A morphological study
of the river. Juveniles migrating for food to the
small tributaries of the Amur River will not over-
winter in these areas and, therefore, are not affected
by the low water levels during autumn-winter peri-
geonjuveniles that sometimes was observed in the
Amur River estuary (due to cold, saline water) af-
fected only the estuary populations. Predation on
kaluga and Amur sturgeoneggsand juveniles in the
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Kaluga and Amur sturgeon populations in the
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Taking into consideration the existing and expected
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basin, we consider it neccessary to build hatcheries
for artificial breeding and restocking of these spe-
We thank Vadim Birstein and John Waldman for
the invitation to participate in the International
Conference on Sturgeon Biodiversity and Conser-
vation. Two anonymous reviewers commmented on
(^1) In 1995. sturgeon poaching from the Russian and Chinese
banks of the Amur River and its tributary, the Ussuri River, in-
tensified.Increasingly, poaching in the Russian part of the lower
Amur is carried out by well-organized and well-equipped groups
(editors’ note, February 1996). Russian).