168000 juveniles (1.0 to 1.5 or 20 to 30gBW) were
stockedinto the Amurriver from1988 t o 1991, and
the number ofyoung sturgeon in the Amur River
seemed to beincreasing through1991 (Chen&
16.0 kgBW.Major research wasdone from1972 to
1975.Thisspecies iseasily propagated, and has ex-
cellentcommercial aquaculturepotential. The na-
tive population,however, sharply declined in the
last twodecades.Somefishstilloccur in theupper
middle reach but few occurred in reachesbelow the
Gezhouba Dam in recentyears. SeeZhuang et al.
(1996,thisvolume) forareview of this species.
Chinese paddlefish, Psephurus gladius
The Chinese paddlefish is characterized by its
sword-like rostrum and severalosteological fea-
tures that distinguish itfromotherfossil and living
paddlefishes(Grande&Bemis1991,1996, Bemis et
al. 1997 this volume). Rostral length (RL) is as much
as 114 to 113 times thetotallength(TL =–17.134+
3.8957 RL,N=16, R=0.9841,S=9.9181,F=
249.366). Detailed biologicalinvestigations are im-
possiblebecausePsephurusis now very rare. Migra-
tion patterns andspawning sites of theChinese pad-
dlefish areunknown, although ithistorically oc-
curred in theEastChina Sea,soit is presumably
anadromous (Anonymous 1988). It is also recorded
from the YellowRiver andYellow Sea (Zhu et al.
1963, Li 1965).
Within the YangtzeRiver, Chinese paddlefish
were commonly found in the mainstream, and
sometimes in its tributaries including Tuojiang,
Mingjiang, Jialinjiang, Qiantangjiang and Yong-
jiang rivers, andDongting andPoyanglakes(Anon-
Yangtze River
The Yangtze(also known as the Chang Jiang) arises
in southwestern China and flows 5500 km across the
country toreach theEastChina Sea near Shanghai
(Figure1).Based on its outflow, theYangtzeisthe
fourth largestriver in theworld, surpassed only by
the Amazon, Congo, and Indus rivers.Near the
headwaters, the mainstream ofthe Yangtze is
known as the Tongtian River; its eastward course
towardSichuan is known as the Jingsha River; as it
passes throughSichuan it becomes known as the
Yangtze. It passes through some of the most densely
populated areas of the planet, yet itretainsthree
nativespecies ofAcipenseriformes. This situation is
now deterioratingrapidly, and allthree species in
the Yangtze River have been listed as state protect-
ed animals in CategoryI.
Dabry’s sturgeon,Acipenserdabryanus
Dabry’s sturgeon is a freshwater species that occurs
only in the middle andupperreaches of theYangtze
River (Figure 1).It reaches at least 130 cm TL and
Table 3. Composition of spawning stock of Huso dauricus in the middle reach of the Amur River by sex.