51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

evidenceis available, to our knowledge. The effect
of seasonal factors on reproduction of Acipenseri-

stocks of Russian sturgeon and stellate sturgeon in-
to different spawning ecotypes, generally similar to
spawning races in salmonids (‘vernal’ and ‘hiemal’
ecotypes, distinguished by the season and stage of
maturity when they initiate their spawning migra-
tion in the river, Barannikova 1991, Dettlaff et al.
Thermal environment plays an important role in
the reproduction of Acipenseriformes, as it does in
teleosts (de Vlaming 1972, Sundararaj & Vasal
1976) and other ectothermic vertebrates (Lichtet
al. 1969). In agreement with observationsonA. stel-
latusandA.gueldenstaedti(Dettlaff et al. 1993), we
observed high sensitivityofgonadal development
to environmental temperature in white sturgeon.


formes may play a role in differentiation ofwild Akimova,N.V.,V.S. Malyutin, I.I. Smolyanov & L.I. Sokolov.

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    Barannikova, I.A. & O.S. Bukovskaya. 1990. Influence of lulibe-
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    genin from white sturgeon.Acipensertransmontanus.J. Mol.
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Bolker, J.A. 1993. The mechanisms of gastrulation in the white
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B. Lallou & P. Vitello (ed.) Coastal and Estuarine Studies, Vol.

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Kirpichnikov (ed.) Biological Foundations of Fish Culture:
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Burzawa-Gerard, E., B.F. Goncharov & Y.A. Fontaine. 1975a.
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tion. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 27: 289–295.
Burzawa-Gerard, E., B.F. Goncharov & Y.A. Fontainb. L’hor-
mone gonadotrope hypophysaire d‘un Poisson chondrosteen,
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miques. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 27: 296–304.
Cherr, G.N. &W.H.Clark Jr. 1985. Gamete interaction in the
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and physiological review. Env. Biol. Fish. 14: 11–22.
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Conte, F.S., S.I. Doroshov. P.B. Lutes & E.M. Strange. 1988.
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The vitellogenic phase of ovarian development ap- Bidwell, C.A., K.J. Kroll. E.I. Severud. S.I. Doroshov &D.M.
pears to be accelerated by warm temperature (18–
22°C), whereas the late stages of gonadal develop-
ment (postmeiotic in males and germinal vesicle
migration in females) are negatively affected by ele-

tive development and endogenous regulation of the
reproductive cycle in cultured Acipenseriformes
may elucidate the roles of environmental and ge-

ically important for both aquaculture and conserva-
tionofendangered sturgeon species.

vated temperature. Further research on reproduc - Bromage,N..C. Randall, D. Davies, M. Thrush, J. Duston, M.

netic factors, an understanding ofwhich will be crit- Burtsev, I.A. 1983. Hybridization and selection of sturgeon dur-


Thiswork wassupported bytheWestern Regional
Aquaculture Consortium, USDA, Development of
Sturgeon Broodstocks project No. 459497 and the
NOAA, National Sea Grant College Program, U.S.
Department of commerce, under grant number
NA85AA-D-SG140, project number RIA 85,
through the California Sea Grant College Program,
and in part by the California State Resource Agen-
cy. We gratefully acknowledge the members of the
California sturgeon Broodstock Development
Committee and the graduate students who have as-
sisted in the many years of field research.
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