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Keenlyne, K.D., C.J. Henry, A. Tews & P. Clancey. 1994. Morpho-
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of the shovelnose sturgeon,Scaphirhynchus platorynchus;in
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Moos, R.E. 1978.Movement andreproductionof shovelnose
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Pennington, C.H., J.A. Baker & M.E. Potter. 1983. Fish popula-
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fishery study. Montana Dept. Fish and Game, Prog. Report 1:
Phelps, S.R. & E Allendorf. 1983. Genetic identity of pallid and
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dance and distribution of fishes in the Missouri River, Gavins
Point Dam to Rulo, Nebraska. S. D. Acad. Sci. 54: 194–222.
I thank S. Whitmore, who developed the figure for
this report, J. Zuboy and J. Schmulbach, who pro-
vided critical reviews of the manuscript, and the
many state fishery biologists, who compiled status,
harvest, and present range information for the
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