51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

been prepared by the Atlantic Sturgeon Aquacul- Acknowledgements
ture and Stocking Committee (Smith^17 , St. Pierre^15 ).
Preliminary stock enhancement work with Atlantic This paper is a joint contribution of the South Car-
and Gulf sturgeons. and shortnose sturgeon (Smith olina Marine Resources Center (contribution num-
et al. 1995) is encouraging, but substantial addition- ber 343) and the Southeastern Biological Science
al work will be required to fully test the concept. Center, National Biological Services. We greatly
Atlantic sturgeon movement and recruitment data appreciate the information and comments provided
are being collected through USFWS and ASMFC by Guy Trencia, Direction Regionale de Quebec,
cooperation. Tagging and reporting of recaptured and Michael Dadswell, Acadia University. We
fish is encouraged by the establishment of a central thank the many reviewers, especially Gordon Rog-
data repository in MD. Tags are provided free and ers, Wally Jenkins, Mark Collins, Lorna Patrick,
anyone encountering sturgeon during various re- Frank Parauka, and Ken Sulak.
search and monitoring activities is requested to tag
and release sturgeon as well as collect basic biolog-
ical data. In states with ‘conservation equivalency’
status, detailed biological information is collected

fateofsturgeons caught in select fisheries inSC and
GA was documented to provide information on

References cited

fromall fish landed, Further, incidental capture and Bachus,R. H. 1951. New and rare records of fishes from Lahra-
dor. Copcia 1951:288–294.
Birstein, V. J.1993. Sturgeons and paddlefishes: threatened fish
es in need of conservation. Conserv. Biol.7:773–787.
Bowen, B. W. & J. C. Avise. 1990. Genetic structure of Atlantic
and Gulf of Mexico populations of sea bass. menhaden, and
sturgeon: influence of zoogeographic factors and life history
patterns.Marine Biology 107: 371–381.
Clugston, J. P., A. M. Foster & S. H Carr. 1995. Gulf sturgeon,
Acipenseroxyrinchusdesoti,in the Suwannee River, Florida,
USA.pp.215–224.In:A.D. Gershanovich & T.I.J.Smith (ed.)
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VN I RO Publishing,Moscow.

sturgeons along the southern Atlantic coast of the U.S. N. Am-
er.J.Fish. Manag. 16: 24 - 29.
Dean, B. 1894.Recentexperiments in sturgeon hatching on the
Delaware River. U.S. Fish Comm. Bull. (1893) 13: 335–339.

Hudson estuary, New York.J.New York Fish &Game30(2):
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yrinchus desoti, in the Suwannee River, Florida. Masters
Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville. 130 pp.
Galligan,J.P. 1960. History of the Connecticut River sturgeon
fishery Conn. Wildl. Cons. Bull 6: 1, 5–6.
Gilbert, C. R. 1992. Atlantic sturgeon pp. 31 - 39.In:R. A. Ash-
ton (ed.) Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida, Volume 2.
Fishes, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Harkness, W. J. K. &J. R. Dymond. 1961. The lake sturgeon the
history of its fishery and problems of conservation. Ontario
Dept. Lands & Forests. Toronto.121 pp.
Holloway, M. 1994. Caviar on the Hudson. Audubon 96(3): 72–
Kieffer, M. C. & B. Kynard. 1993. Annual movements of short-
nose and Atlantic sturgeons in the Merrimack River. Massa-
chusetts. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 122: 1088–1103.

possible impacts to the stocks (Collins et al. 1996).
The USFWS and NBS continue to collect stur-
geon distribution, abundance, and life history infor-
mation in the coastal rivers of the Gull of Mexico.
Research is focused on collection of young Gulf
sturgeon and identification of spawning habitat.
Little is known of estuarine and marine habitat re-
quirements and work will be directed to these areas.

vate, non-profit research organization, is conduct-
ing a long-term study to estimate the growth and
number of sturgeon entering the Suwannee River

The Caribbean Conservation corporation, a pri- Collins, M. R., S. G. Rogers & T. I. J. Smith. 1996. Bycatch of

each spring. Recently, a number of Gulf states initi- Dovel, W. L. & T. J. Berggern 1983. Atlantic sturgeon of the
ated status and life history studies in their respec-
tive river systems. With the controlled harvest of Foster, A. M. 1993. Movement of Gulf sturgeon,Acipenser ox-
sturgeon now in place, it is essential to continue in-
vestigations to determine critical habitat require-
ments to establish culture and stocking param-
eters, and to document the status and origin of
stocks. Once such studies arc completed, it may be
possible to restore some stocks to a level that will
support sustainable fishery harvests.

(^17) Smith, T. I.J.1992. Recommendations concerning the culture
and stocking of Atlantic sturgeon. Rep. Atlantic Sturgeon Aqua-
culture and Stocking Committee. Atlantic States Marine Fisher-
ies Commission, Spec. Rep. No.22. 20 pp.

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