51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1

Figure11.A large specimen of kaluga.Huso dauricus.from the Amur River near Khabarovsk. Siberia. Photograph courtesy of Viktor
Svirskii, TINRO, Vladivostok.

Largespecimens areespeciallypoorlyrepresented
in systematic collections, andthis species is now se-
verelythreatenedowing toconstruction of dams
and overfishing (Wei et al. 1997 thisvolume).
Although †Crossopholismagnicaudatus(Figure

8)iscomparativelyrare in theextensively collected
fauna ofFossilLake(LowerEocene ofWyoming) it
is known fromanexcellentseries of complete speci-
mens(Grande&Bemis1991).Originally described
by Cope(1883)and laterredescribed in detailby
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