51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1
pre-barbel length (measuretomore anteriorbarbel base and notewhetheritis inner or outer barbel)
pre-oral length
innerbarbel length
outerbarbel length
I headlength(measuredtotheposterioredgeofopercularflap)

countnumber andnote
pre-orbital length (toanterior edge oforbit) anteriortoanal fin
pre-pectoral length

pre-pelvic length

I pre-dorsal length

I pre-anal length
standard length(SL; to

scute on lateral surface)

endoflast keeled

I length

Figure1.Standard measurements for sturgeons: a -Ventral view of mouth based on an illustration of Scaphirhynchus platorynchus
modified from Bailey & Cross (1954). b -Lateral view of body based on an illustration of Acipenser oxyrinchus (518 mm TL) modified
from Vladykov & Greeley (1963). A color photograph including a metric scale bar should be made showing the ventral view of the head
(as in a) and lateral view of the body (as in b) All measurements should be recorded from each specimen, together with date and exact
locality data, water condition, observers name and institution, and late of the specimen.

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