Figure 17.Preliminary cladogram of acipenseriform interrelationships. Character numbers correspond to Tables 6 and 7. Arrangement of
Cheirolepis,Polypterusand IMimiafollows Gardiner & Schaeffer (1989), and placement of ISaurichthysfollows Rieppel (1992). For
characters used in interpreting relationships of outgroups, see Rieppel (1992). For characters used in interpreting intrafamilial relation-
ships of Polyodontidae, see Grande & Bemis (1991). For characters used in interpreting intrafamilial relationships of Acipenseridae, see
Findeis (1997). Acipenseriform interrelationships are further resolved in Grand & Bemis (1996, see note added in proofs on page 71). We
follow current convention for arrangement of neopterygians (see Grande & Bemis 1997).
martin jones
(Martin Jones)