in the Androscoggin River 340
in the Apalachicola River 340
in the Columbia River 413-414
in the Congaree River 340
in the Connecticut River 329, 340
in the Danube River 185, 191-192,
in the Delaware River 329
in the Dordogne River 364
in the Garonne River 364
in the Hudson River 318, 328, 348
impact on Acipenser brevirostrum 3 18,
impact on Acipenser fulvescens 303
impact on Acipenser nudiventris 374
impact on Acipenser oxyrinchus 340
impact on Acipenser oxyrinchus
in Irtysh River 223
in the Kennebec River 329, 340
in the Menominee River 3 12
in the Merrimack River 329, 340
in the Ob River 223
in the Pearl River 340
in the Pee Dee River 328, 340
in the Santee-Cooper River system
in the Savannah River 340
in the Volga River 215-216
in the Wateree River 340
in the Yangtze River 247-248,
in the Yenisey River 224
Acipenser ruthenus in 177
conservation recommendations 206 taxa
dams 185, 191-192, 195-197, 203-204 feeding
and deforestation 203
Delta and the Black Sea 204
Delta as a biofilter 204
fishery 202-203 individual taxa
geography 185-186, 201 systems 59-61
overfishing 9-11, 185, 206
spawning in 61, 179
status of sturgeons 185-197,201-206
Acipenserbrevirostrum in 322,325,
330 Acipenser brevirostrum 332
Acipenser oxyrinchus in 343
dams 329 Acipenser fulvescens302-303,
sequencing 141
see also mtDNA; nDNA
Dordogne River, dams 364
dorsal rostral shield 99
dredging, impact on Acipenser brevirostrum
East China Sea, Psephurus in 177
Eastern Atlantic, regional faunas 28
eastern North America, speciation of
eggs-per-recruit (EPR) 400-403
electroreceptors 63-64
environmental threats seeanthropogenic
epizootics 379
322, 331
Acipenser 128
323-324, 328-329 endangered statusseestatus
desotoi 340 EPR (eggs-per-recruit)and reproductive
potential 400-403
ethmoid expansion, in Acipenseridae 81
ethmoid ridges 99, 106
ethmoid shelf 105-107
European Atlantic sturgeon see Acipenser
European freshwaters, regional faunas 28
eutrophication, in the Black Sea 205
evolutionary relationships seephylogeny;
exploitation see fishery
extinction see status; also under
individual taxa
faunas, regional 28
fecunditysee under reproduction: also
323-324, 329
250-251, 253, 261, 263, 433 extrascapular bone 55
Danube River 9-11, 72, 208
under natural history in individual
benthic adaptation 119
migration 175
see also under natural history in
fenestra longitudinalis 54
filter feeding, evolution of 59-61
fin spine see pectoral fin spine
Delaware River fishery 202-203
Acipenser baerii 226-227
Acipenser dabryanus 262
demersal spawning, evolution of 61 307-308, 313-316, 412
dermal bone, in fin rays 78 Acipenser gueldenstaedtii193, 210,
dermopalatine shelf 102- 103 214
dermopalatine-ectopterygoid fusion 116 Acipenser medirostris 412
development,Acipenser dabryanus261-262 Acipenser oxyrinchus338-343, 411
Acipenser ruthenus 195
diadromy 177 Acipenser schrenckii231-232, 237
distribution 159-160, 168-169 Acipenser stellatus196, 210, 213-214
Acipenser sturio 364
Acipenser transmontanus411, 414
in the Amur River 41, 232-232, 245
in the Aral Sea 379
in the Caspian Sea 210
economics 341-342
see alsogrowth
see also under biogeography; natural
history; range in individual taxa
diversity 179 see also variation
content 133,136-137,139
and phylogenetic analysis 142
in the Great Lakes 302
methods 339
in Ontario 307
Polyodon spathula282-288, 411
population impact 399-404
in Quebec 308
regulation in A cipenser oxyrinchus
regulation in the Columbia River 414
restrictions 400, 403-404
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus
in the Volga River 210-211
in the Yangtze River 252-253
FMP (Fishery Management Plan)A cipenser
Huso huso 191,202-203, 210-212
294-296, 412
oxyrinchus 343
see also underASMFC
fossil history 26-39, 179-180
biogeography 171-174
Fraser River, Acipenser transmontanus in 12,
gametogenesis, inAcipenser transmontanus
Garonne River, dams 364
garssee Lepisosteidae
gene flow 395
269-27 1
Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi 393-394
analysis 336
differentiation and variation 386-395
and inbreeding 395
see also mtDNA; nDNA; karyotype;
haplotypes;also underspecific
genotype see haplotypes
geographic ranges see range; distribution
also under individual taxa
geological history, Black Sea 204
gill rakers 113-115
gill trematode see Nitzschia sturionis
gill-arch dentition 47
Gironde River, Acipenser sturio in 359
glaciation, and biogeography 181
gonadal cycles see under reproduction
gonadal development,Acipenser
gonadotropins 273-274
gravel excavation, in the Danube River 204
Great Lakes, fishery 302
Green River paddlefish see†Crossopholis
green sturgeon see Acipenser medirostris
Acipenser brevirostrum324, 350,
Acipenser dabryanus 260
Acipenser oxyrinchus 353-355
Acipenser sturio 364365
Acipenser transmontanus 272-273
in Acipenseridae 408
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni 377
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus 293