51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1
Gulf Sturgeon Recovery/Management Plan

†Gyrosteus mirabilis35, 92

Acipenser brevirostrum 327-328
Acipenser fulvescens 303
Acipenseridae 407-409
in the Danube River 185
Pseudoscaphirhynchuskaufmanni 377
see alsoanthropogenic impacts
haemal spine loss 105
ofAcipenser fulvescens 301-302,308
ofPolyodon spathula 389
ofScaphirhynchus spp 389
hatcheriesseeartificial reproduction
heavy metals, in the Caspian Basin 216
Hell Creek formation 37
Holarctic history 179
Holarctic range, of Acipenseriformes 32
fidelity and genetic variation 393-394
spawning biology 171
gonadotropins 273-274
and reproduction in Acipenser


transmontanus 275
Hudson River
Acipenserspp. in 177, 179, 321, 324,
dams 328, 348
biogeography 174
feeding adaptations 119
locomotion 121
morphological characters 81, 83,

347-357, 393
Huso 74

86-87, 89-91, 93, 95, 99, 101-103,
105-107, 113-116
osteological methods 77
pelagic habit 121, 123
phylogeny 119, 171
rostral expansion 120
systematics 39, 41, 117, 147
in the Amur River 231-238, 244-245
fishery 231-232
natural history 234-236, 244-245
systematic relationships 41
taxonomy 160
Huso huso(beluga) 72, 156, 310
in the Black Sea 205
in the Caspian Sea 209, 213-214
in the Danube River 185-186,
fishery 191,202-203, 211-212
natural history 61, 186, 189, 211-213
overfishing 189
systematics 41, 45
taxonomy 160
in the Ural River 212-213
in the Volga River 209, 211-213
winter race 189

Huso dauricus (kaluga)

status 41, 232, 236-238, 253


hybridization 29, 72, 386
Acipenser dabryanus andA. sinensis
Acipenser sturio andA. baerii 366
in Acipenseridae 136
Huso dauricusandAcipenser
schrenckii 245
Huso husoandAcipenser ruthenus 72
Scaphirhynchus albus andS.
platorynchus29, 296, 388-389,421
hydroelectric generationseedams;
anthropogenic impacts
hydrography, impacts 41 1
hydrological changes
see alsoanthropogenic impacts, water losses
hyoid arch 58
hyomandibular shape 49, 91-92
hypobranchial skeleton 92-93
hypoxia, in the Black Sea 206
impoundmentssee dams
Indigirka River, Acipenser baerii in 225
infraorbital canal 48, 81-83
interhyal-posterior ceratohyal joint 104-105
Iron Gates Dams see Danube River, dams
irrigation, and the Danube. River 204
lrtysh River, dams 223


Aral Sea 375-376

evolution of protrusion 59-60, 122
feeding adaptations 119-120
shape 102
jugal shape 112-1 13
jugal anterior process 58, 81-83
juvenilessee under life history in individual
kaluga see Huso dauricus
karyological and molecular systematics 124
Kennebec River, dams 329, 340
Khatanga River, Acipenser baerii in 224
Kolyma River, Acipenser baerii in 225
Korean Peninsula, Acipenser mikadoi in 159
Lacey Act, prosecution under 425
Lake Baikal

vs infraorbital canal 81-83

karyotype 132-139, 386

Acipenser baerii in 224
Acipenserfulvescensin 43
Lake Erie, Polyodon spathula in 39
lake sturgeon see Acipenser fulvescens
Lake Winnipeg, fishery 302
lateral ethmoid shelfseeethmoid shelf
lateral extrascapulars clustered 114
lateral line scales 50
Latimeria chalumnae, karyotype 137
Lena River, Acipenser baerii in 224, 227, 230
Lepisosteidae, systematics 33
Lepisosteus, morphological characters 86,
life history 10, 168-169, 175-179

90, 93
Acipenser brevirostrum 324-328,
Acipenser oxyrinchus 336-338, 345,
Acipenser oxyrinchus desotoi 337

331-332, 348-353

Acipenser sturio 361-363
Acipenseridae 407-409
and vulnerability to anthropogenic
impacts 399,427
locomotion, benthic adaptation 119, 121-122
mandibular canal 53
Acipenserfulvescensin 305
fishery 302
Meckel’s cartilage 55, 102-103
medial opercular wall 87
median extrascapular bone 83
Mediterranean, regional fauna 28
Menominee River, Acipenser fulvescens in
Merrimack River

Acipenser brevirostrumin 324-325
dams 329,340
migration 169, 175-179
Acipenser baerii 224
Acipenser brevirostrum 323-325,
Acipenser dabryanus 261
Acipenser nudiventris 378
Acipenser oxyrinchus 336-337,
Acipenser schrenckii 237
Acipenser sinensis 248
Acipenser sturio 365
Acipenseridae 408
in the Connecticut River 329
Huso dauricus 235
Huso huso 186
in the Yangtze River 248
morphological characters 49, 52, 58,

328-330, 349, 351-353


†Mimia 33

83, 86-7, 89, 93
Mississippi River
Polyodon spathula in 39
Scaphirhynchusspp. in 388,420-421
Missouri River, Scaphirhynchus spp. in 389,
mitochondrial DNA see mtDNA
Mnemiopsis leidyi(combjellyfish), invasion
molecular analysis 143-144, 148, 159-160,
molecular phylogeny 139-148
morphological characters see under
morphological studies 74
mortality, fishing impact 399-404

420-42 1

of the Black Sea 206
385-396, 421-422, 429

individual taxa

†Moythomasia 33
morphological characters 90
inAcipenserspp. 140,300, 336, 386,
and phylogeny 149
and RFLP (restriction fragment length
inScaphirhynchus spp 388-389

mtDNA 386
389-391, 396

polymorphism) 389-391, 393-394
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