Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1
Conflict rind Coffee in Burundi 151

R Lemarchand & D Martin. Selective genocide in Burundi, Minority Rights Gmup
Report. no 20. London, 1974; United Nations, Rapport de la Commission
d'Enquete Internationale Chargee d'etablir les faites concernant i'assassinat du
President du Burundi, le 21 octobre 1993, ainsi que les massacres qui ont suivi,
document s/1996/682, August 1996, par 85. The term genocide denotes 'acts
committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in pan, a national, ethnical, racial
or religious group, as such" as defined in the Genocide Convention.
38 Reyntjens, Rwanda genocide and beyond, op cit.
39 C Barnes. Beyond conflict: The structures and purposes of genocide in the twen-
tieth century, Doctoral dissertation, Fairfax VA, Institute for Conflict Analysis and
Resolution, George Mason University, 1999, p 711, emphasis in original, Melady
40 Hammouda, op cit, p 107.
41 Reyntjens, Afrique des Grands Lacs en Crise: Rwanda, Burundi 1988-1994,
Karthala, Pais, 1994, p 158.
42 Lemarchand, Burundi: Ethnic conflict and genocide, op cit, p 127.
43 There are different interpretations of the motivation of Buyoya's reforms. Some
describe them as "courageous" and "profound" (Reyntjens, 1995). while others
see them only as a reaction to strong external pressures (See Lemarchand, op cit,
p 166; Reyntjens, op cit, 1993, p 564).
44 For a critique of the report, see Lemarchand. The report of the national commis-
sion to study the question of national unity in Burundi: A critical comment.
Journal of Modem Africm Studies, vo127. no 4, pp 685-690.
45 Reyntjens, The proof of the pudding is in the eating: The June 1993 elections in
Burundi, op cit.
46 Reyntjens, L'Afrique des Grands Lacs en Crise: Rwmda, Burundi 1988-1994.
op cit; Reyntjens, Burundi: Breaking the cycle of violence, op cit; Lemarchand,
Burundi: Ethnic conflict and genocide, op cit; International Crisis Group, Burundi:
Neither war nor peace, Amsha/Nairobi/Brussds, 2000.
47 P Dupont, The sub-regional context of the crisis in Rwanda and Burundi.
B Fonnan & M Verhuis (eds), Internal conflicts, security and development.
RAW00 Lectures and Seminar Publication, no 14, 1997, p 62.
48 Human Rights Watch, Pmxy targets: Civilians in the war in Burundi,
c >. 1998
49 Reyntjens. The pmof of the pudding is in the eating: The June 1993 eleaions in
Burundi, op cit; Reyntjens, Burundi: Breaking thecycleof violence, op cit; Barnes.
op cit.
50 B Hibou, The social capital of the state as an agent of deception; or the ruses of
economic intelligence, J-F Bayart, S Ellis & B Hibou, The m~minalisalion of the
state in Africa, James Currey, Oxford, 1999, p 86.

(^51) Nguruko & Nkurunziza, op cit.
52 Reyntjens, Burundi: Breaking the cycle of violence, op cit, p 19.
53 Harnmouda, op cit.
54 International Monetary Fund, Burundi, Statistical Annex, Washington DC.
2000;World Bank, World Development Report, 1998/1999, 1999; Hammouda,
op cit; Economist Intelligence Unit, Burundi Country Report, London 2001.

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