Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1
Scarcity and Surfeit

Ngaruko & Nkurunziza, op cit, p 386; F Ngaruko, L'industrie et L'accumulation
au Burundi, RevueMondes en Developpment, vol21 no 92, 1993.
Ngaruko, op cit.
A Guichaoua, Destins paysans et politiques agrares en Afrique Centrale, vol 1,
L'Harmattan, Paris, 1989, pp 168-173.
Ngaruko & Nkurunziza, op cit, p 386.
nansparency International, The Source Book, Transparency International, Berlin
2000; International Monetary Fund, op cit.
Ngaruko & Nkurunziza, op cit, p 389.
International Monetary Fund, op cit; International Monetary Fund, Burundi -
recent economlc developments, Washington DC, 1997.
Ngaruko & Nkurunziza, op cit, p 384.
Hibou, op cit, p 85.
United ~~~ Nations... S/2001/357.. .. ReDOTt of the Panel of ExDerts on the Ille~al
Exploitation of Natural Resources and 0;her Fornzs of wealth of the ~emocr&
Republic of Congo, 2001.
International Monetary Fund, Bunmdi: Statistical Annex, op cit.
World Bank, Burundi - an interim strategy 1999-2000, Report no 19592-BU,

  1. For economic implications of the 1996-1999 sanctions see various articles
    by G Mthembu-Salter, An assessment of sanctions against Burundi, Action Aid,
    This was more than the average for sub-Saharan Africa, which stood at 7.8%.
    United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report, 1993.
    Ngaruko & Nkurunziza, op cit; Lemarchand, Burundi: Ethnic conflict and geno-
    cide, op cit; Reyntjens, Afrique des Grand Lacs en Crise: Rwanda, Burundi,
    1988-1994, op cit.
    Hammouda, op cit, p 14.
    United Nations, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Integrated
    Regional Information Network (OCHA-IRIN) mailing, 2 July 2001.
    See J S Oketch, A critical evaluation of sanctions as third party leverage in the
    management of internal conflict: The Burundi peace process, 1993-2000, M.A.
    Dissertation, Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies, University of
    Nairobi for a detailed analysis of the role of the regional sanctions in the Burundi
    peace process.
    J van Eck, Signals needed to further stimulate internal and external negotiations
    processes, Search for Common Ground and Centre for Conflict Resolution,
    Washington DC &Cape Town, 1998.
    International Crisis Group, op cit.
    Ibid, p ii.
    Ibid, p 13.
    International Crisis Group, Scramble for the Congo: Anatomy of an ugly war, ICG
    Africa Report, 26(20), December 2000.
    Ali Abdel GadirAli, The economics of conflicts in Africa: An overview, Journal of
    African Economies, vol 9 no 3, 2000.
    J Galtung, Peace by peaceful means: Peace and conflict, development and civili-
    sation, Prio, Oslo, 1996.

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