- "-- -. - - -- -
312 Scarcity and Surfeit
W Witten, Bada: Further Background Information Concerning the Eritrean
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J Markakis, The Ishaq-Ogaden Dispute, in AndersHjort and Salih (eds), Ecology
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Also called Semien, Simen and/or Semen.
Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) Website 1995.
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FA0 Website, op cit; and Ministry of Agriculture, National Livestock Development
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DFID Website, op cit.
The wide differrnce in these estimates reflects the lack of up to date knowledge on
pastoralism as a land use; the difficulty of measuring such a mobile and dynamic
population which has experienced acute crises in recent years; and the transition-
al nature of pastoralism which at this current time is undergoing much change as
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S Sandford and Y Habtu, Emergency Response Interventions in Pastoral Areas of
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Ethiopian Telecommunications Wehsite Undated, p 1.
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Marcel Leroy, Special Adviser [Multilateral Issues) to the European Union, Addis
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UNCDF, op cit.
FA0 Website, op cit.
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WFP Website 2001