Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1
Spilling Blood over Water? The Case of Ethiopia 313

48 Z Gebre-Mariam. Human Interactions and Water Quality in the Horn of Africa,
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49 FA0 Website, op cit.
50 WWDSE op cit; Ministry of Agriculture, op cit; FA0 Website op cit.
51 WWDSE, op cit.
52 WWDSE, 2000
53 FA0 Website, 1995; WWDSE, 2000
54 WWDSE, ibid.
55 Rahmato, op cit.
56 FA0 Website, op cit.
57 WWDSE 2000
58 Rahmato, op cit.
59 A A Egeh & G G Alex, Field Tnp Report. Jijiga, Hartesheik, Kebn Dehar. Fafen and
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of Host Communities in Northwest Somalia and Eastern Ethiopia. Volume 1
Summary Document. Unpublished report, 1999, p 90.
62 Ibid. p 93.
63 WWDSE, op cit.
64 lbid.
65 National Conservation Strategy Secretariat (NCS). National Consenfnrion Smegy
Volume 11: National Policy on Natural Resources and the Environmen. MinisW of
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Planning and Economic Development, Addis Ababa, December 1994.
66 UNCDF, ETH/OO/COl - Sustainable Development Project (Adi Arkay). Projen
Document, unpublished. 2000.
67 Ibid.
68 WWDSE, op cit.
69 The right to use the land that one inhabits and/or cultivates.
70 NCS, op cit, p 15.
71 Environmental Protection Aulhorily (EPA), Envimnmenral Policy, EPA in collab-
oration with the Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation, Addis
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72 D Aredo & A Abdurahman, Indigenous Conflict Resolution in Pastoral Areas of
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Property Resource Management - a Real Solution for Environmental Management

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