318 Scarcity and Surfeit
191 G Baechler, Why Environmental 'IYansformation Causes Violence: A Synthesis,
Environmental Change and Security Project Report 4, Spring 1998, p 25.
192 Indeed, a recent statement from OCHA-IRIN in early November 2001 stated that
approximately 6000 hectares of forest in the Awash National Park had been
destroyed by fire over the previous week. Though a local agronomist interviewed
by IRlN declined to speculate on the cause of the fire he stated that the park was
"very vulnerable to man-made problems" and was "completely open, with no
office regulating the flow of people in and out" (OCHA-IRIN, 2001).
193 J Waterbury, Hydropolitics of the Nile Valley, Syracuse University Press, New
York, 1979.
194 R Collins, History, hydropolitics, and the Nile, Nile Control: Myth or Reality?, in
P Howell & J A Allan (eds), The Nile-Sharing a Scarce Resource - An historical
and technical overview of water management and of economical and legal issues,
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, p 122.
195 Howell and Allan, op cit, p 2.
196 A Zeid & M Rady, Egypt's Water Resources Management and Policies, Paper pre-
sented at the World Bank International Workshop on Comprehensive Water
Resources Management Policies, 24-26 June 1991, Washington DC, p 2.
197 N Beschorner, Water and Instability in the Middle East - An Analysis of
Environmental, Economic, and Political Factors Influencing Water Resources
Management and Water Disputes in the Jordan, Nile basin and Tigris-Euphrates
Region, Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 1992, p 51.
198 J A Allan, Watersheds and 'Pmblemsheds': Where Do Governments Find Economic
Solutions?, Paper presented at the Sth Nile 2002 Conference, Addis Ababa, 24-28
February 1997, p 345.
199 A Elhance, Hydropolitics in the Third World-Conflict and Cooperation in
International River Basins, United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C.,
1999, p 68.
200 M Seifulaziz, The Ethiopian Nile Basin, Food Security, Poverty and Conflict Risk,
Paper presented at the Inter-Africa Group and Safer World Seminar: Enhancing
EU Engagement to Prevent Violent Conflict in the Horn of Africa, July 2000,
Brussels, p 18.
201 R Collins, The Waters of the Nile - Hydropolitics and the Jonglei Canal,
1900-1988, UK: Oxford University Press, 1996, p 3.
202 Beschorner, op cit, p 49.
203 S Amer, Cooperation in the Nile Basin: Appropriate Legal and hstitutional
Framework, Paperpresented at the 51h Nile 2002 Conference, 24-28 February
1997, Addis Ababa, p 327.
204 A Girma, The Imperative Need for Negotiations on the Utilisation of the Nile
Waters to ~ -~ ~ Avert ~ Potential ~ Crises. ... Pa~er oresented at the 5Ih Nile 2002 Conference,
24-28 February 1997, Addis Ababa, p 296.
205 lbid, p 289.
206 Tesfaye, T, The Hydropolitical ~erspective of the Nile Question, Paper presented at
the 8" Nile 2002 Conference, 26-28 June 2000, Addis Ababa, p 7.
207 Seifulaziz, op cit, p 47.
208 lbid.