Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1

Spilling Bhd over Water? The Case of Ethiopia 319

209 Interview with Mekonnen Leulseged.
210 Tesfaye, op cit, p 54.
211 R Said, op cit.
212 D Whittington & E McClelland, Opportunities for Regional and International
Cooperation in the Nile Basin, in Water International 17. 1992, p 152; and A
Elhance. Hydropolitics in the Third World-Conflict and Cooperation in
International River Basins. United States Institute of Peace, Washington D.C..
1999, p 67.
213 Collins, op cit, p 281.
214 Whittington et al, op cit, p 172.
215 Natacha, op cit, p 60.
216 Said, op cit, p 3.
217 Collins, op cit, p 288.
218 Nile Basin Initiative Secretariat, Slrategic Action Pmgram -Brief. May 2001.
219 Tesfaye, op cit, p 111.
220 NBI Secretariat, op cit.
221 The Ethiopian Herald, June 2001.
222 Seifesilassie, op cit.

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