Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1

354 Scarcity and Surfeit

14 P Johnson, Somalia/Land: Political, economic and social analysis: A report for
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15 Ibid.
16 K Menkhaus, International peace building and the dynamics of local and nation-
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17 S Illing, Helping rebuild Somalia: TheEC in Somalia 1993-1996, Majestic Printing
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18 UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs lntegrated Regional
Information Network (OCHA-IRIN) mailing, President disappointed at lack of
international support, 9 August 2002.
19 OCHA-IRIN mailing, EU offers support for broad-based provisional government,
16 August 2002.
20 UNDP, op cit.
21 M Bradbury, The Somali conflict: Prospects for peace, Oxfam Research Paper no 9,
Oxfam Print Unit, Oxford, 1994.
22 UNDP, op cit.
23 Ibid.
24 Ihid.
25 C Besteman & L V Cassanelli, The struggle for land in southern Somalia: The war
behind the wac Westview, London, 1996.
26 A M 1 Barkhadle, The Somali traditional "Deegaan" ecological classification sys-
tem, I P Litografia, Firenze, 1993.
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DFID with llED and NRI, London, 2000.
28 M S Alim, Inventory Report, Somalia. FA0 Mimeo, 1997.
29 OCHA-IRIN mailing, Horn of Afnca: Rainfall unlikely to offset drought,
10 September 2001.
30 The People Daily, 6 June, 2001.
31 P Conze & T Thomas, Somalia: Agriculture in the Winds of Change, 1989.
32 United States Agency for lnternational Development (USAID) Somalia, Integrated
Strategic Planning for Somalia, 2001-2003, 2000.
33 OCHA-IRIN, Somalia: FSAU warns of fragile situation, 13 September 2001.
34 UNDP, op cit.
35 SOCEP Environmental Protection Awareness Workshop, Somalia, 2000.
36 Besteman & Cassanelli, op cit.
37 de Waal, op cit.
38 Toulmin & Quan, (eds) op cit.
39 lbid.
40 UNDP, op cit.
41 IUCN-EAR0 Report, 1997.
42 Lewis, op cit.
43 M Kirk, The context for livestock and crop-livestock development in Africa: The
evolving role of the state in influencing property rights over grazing resources in
sub-Saharan Africa, in N McCarthy et al (ed), Property rights, risk, & livestock
development in Afnca, International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi, 2000.
44 Lewis, op cit.

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