Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1
Deegaan, Politics and War in Somalia^355

45 RE Goodhue & McCarthey. Fuzzy access: Modeling grazing rights in sub-Saharan
Africa, in N McCarthy et al (ed), op cit.
46 Ibid.
47 Unruh, op cit.
48 R D Kaplan, The Coming Anarchy, Atlantic Monthly, vol273, no 2.1994. p 7.
49 A A Hussein, Colonial policies and the failure of Somali secessionism in the
Northern Frontier District of Kenya Colony c 1890-1968. Unpublished MA thesis.
Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa, 1997.
50 Interview with Hassan Abdi, June 2001.
51 See Lewis, op cit; Uxuuh, op cit and K Fukui & J Markakis (eds), ethnic it)^ and
conflict in the Horn of Africa, James Currey, London, 1993.
52 Unmh, op cit.
53 Ibid.
54 Ibid..
55 Interview with lsamil Ogle, June 2001.
56 J Swift, Pastoral Development in Somalia, Desenification and Enwimnmenral
Degradation in around Arid Londs, Westview Press, Boulder Co, 1977.
57 See KNA/PC/NFD/4/6/1. Jubbal and Political records, 1915.
58 Markakis, op cit.
59 Hussein, op cit.
60 Markakis, op cit.
61 Touval, op cit.
62 Lewis, op cit.
63 Unruh, op cit.
64 Ibid.
65 BBC interviews with vKious Somali warlords, 1996.
66 Hussein, op cit.
67 KNA/JUBA/1/10/10.
68 Kirk, op cit.
69 Ibid.
70 J P Vanderlinden. Conflicts and cooperation over the commons: A conceptual and
methodological framework for assessing the role of local institutions, in
McCarthy, et al (ed), op cit.
n Hussein, op cit
72 Interview with Hassan Abdi, June 2001.
73 Ibid.
74 Lewis, op cit.
75 J D Evans, The dilemma of the Horn of Africa: A srudy of wnflin in nonh east
Africa, unpublished dissertation, Georgetown University, 1967.
76 Interview with Hassan Abdi, June 2001.
77 Markakis, op cit.
78 H Mogaka & G W Tumushabe, Multi-stakeholderpanner~hip in narural resourres
conflict management. 1997. Mimeo.
79 Interview with Hassan Abdi, June 2001.
80 Personal communication, Unruh, July 2001.

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