(Darren Dugan) #1
Usage of 'then' - "¡^3 u" ©WúVôd^3 # DRô^3 WÔu

Boy bathed and then worships.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ; ÑS]Éd¡ ¡^3 u, SúUôùWv.

Boy is bathing. Î
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ÑSuú]ôùWv.

Boy is worshiping.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 SúUôùWv.

Boy is going to school.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 TôPRô^2 _ôùWv.

Boy is reading.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 IoúUôùWv.
Boy went school then reads.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ; TôPRô^2 Ë ¡^3 u, IoúUôùWv.

Boy is playing.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ùL^2 ú[ôùWv.

Boy is eating.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 Lô^2 ùWv.
Boy played then eats.
ùT^3 h^3 ùLô^3 ; ùL^2 s§¡ ¡^3 u, Lô^2 ùWv.
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