I recommend the new hotel for their service.
Á ùSôqY Lô^2 Rô^2 d^3 £STô^3 oÑS ùLWojùR ùReL L^3 qg£²d^3 Ï^3 og£.
Sôu קV DQYLjûR @YoL°u DTN¬l©tLôL £Tô¬Ñ ùNn¡ú\u.
Present Continuous :
The narration of 'live' action is called present continuous.
NpúX úNSjùR ®`VØàd NeúLô^3 jùR NXuLôXùRôWu.
̈LrkÕ ùLôi¥ÚdÏm ̈LrÜLû[ áßYÕ ̈LrùRôPoLôXm.
The sun is shining.
ãSÃj aý_sú[ úNS.
ã¬Vu I°okÕùLôi¥Úd¡\Õ.
The gravy is boiling.
ùLôw_ý £Sw ́úX úNS.
ÏZm× ùLô§jÕd ùLôi¥Úd¡\Õ.
Present Perfect :
Just not finished things, and its continuation is going to happen is called present perfect.
She has lost her ring.
§] Øj^3 §^3 L^3 m¼^3 d¡v.
@Ys úUô§WjûR ùRôûXjÕ®hPôs. ( @Ru ©u úRÓYÕ úTôu\ ùNVpLs Tt±V
ϱl©pXôRRôp BqYôd¡Vm Present Perfect )
The guest has arrived.
ùTô^2 qQôi @q¥^3 Vôv.
®ÚkRô°Ls YkÕ®hPôoLs.
Present Perfect Continuous :
It has been ringing for two hours. So I am going to stop...
¾^3 ùL^3 iúPm Ã: Lô^4 h @nL^3 núX úNS.
BWiÓ U¦ úSWUôL U¦NjRj úLhÓdùLôiúP«Úd¡\Õ. ( @Ru ©u NjRjûR ̈ßjÕYÕ
úTôu\ ùNVpLs ùRôPoYRôp BqYôd¡Vm Present Perfect Continuous )
Nhannaba has been learning Sourashtra for two years.
S:u]Tô^3 ¾^3 IoÑS Ã: ùN[WôxhWô £SdÏùXôùWv.
Su]Tô BWiÓ YÚPeL[ôL ùN[WôxhWô LtßdùLôi¥Úd¡\ôo.