☺ My wife had twins yesterday! - ùUôùW ûT^3 Ûd^3 Lôp, §^3 ¡^3 (ùWhùP) ©púXôp Dˬv. # Fu
Uû]®dÏ úStß BWhûPd ÏZkûR ©\kRÕ.
☺ A heavy sky - Lù[ô úUd^3 _^4 ¡^3 - úNS # LßúULeLs Yô²p ãrkÕs[].
☺ Trees heavy with fruit. - _ô^4 h^3 úTô^4 o Ts[ôu ùXômúTô^3 ¬v. # UWj§p TZeLs TÝjÕ
☺ During the halt he got some lunch. - Lôm ¶l^3 ©^3 W:YúPô^3 jùR úY[, ùR] ùWôqYùV úL^2 dùLôn.
@Yu úYûX BûPúYû[«u úTôÕ, £±Õ Nôl©hÓ®ÓYôu.
☺ She wore a gold lame dress. - úTô^4 o _¬ùL^3 RúL^3 NSqùXô §] ©^2 p¬v. # ØÝÕm N¬ûL
úTôhP úNûX @Ys Lh¥Ùs[ôs.
☺ A staunch defender of free speech. - YjR ùLÃ.. ́q]ôo. # úT£lúT£úV @Yu ©ûZlTYu.
☺ Thematic voewls are part of the stem. - ËYôd`Úu êXTR^3 mùL^3 Tô^4 d^3. # D«ùWÝjÕdLs
YôojûRL°u IÚ @eLm.
☺ Paper the box. - ùT¼d Ls_m ùR^3 v®. # ùTh¥dÏ úUp Lô¡Rm IhÓ.
☺ Sales were climbing after prices were lowered. - úUôp aýÕWùP^3 jùR, úY² ®dLôu ̈¡^3 r¥^3 v.
®ûX Ïû\l©]ôp @§L ®tTû]Vô¡\Õ.
☺ This youngman knows how to climb the social ladder. - F _qQôd, ¡ùNôS ́jW×m ùNôSmUo
@qù]ô ùU² L[ôn. # BkR Bû[OàdÏ YôrdûL«p ØuàdÏ YW Y ̄ ùR¬Ùm.
☺ The blossoms were kissed by the soft rain. - ×^2 púX é^2 Ûu úaôo ùLôiùPô^3 ùNôSL^3 u XúX
Tox#T² ¶l^3 À^3 ¬v. # UXoL°u úUp Õô\p¿o ̈ußs[Õ.
☺ The teacher smaked the students who had misbehaved. - úNSxùP ùLúW £SdLôàd^ Yj^3 Vôo
T^4 Wôh^3 _ô ùUú]v. # Ïßm× ùNnR UôQYoLû[ A£¬Vo ùY°úV ÕWj§]ôo.
☺ Her son is just bumming arround all day. - §L^3 @X£S ùT^3 ùPô §^3 uàéW úLô^3 Ë ©^3 £SWô:v. #
@Y°u ULu FkR úYûXÙm ùNnVôUp SôsØÝÕm DhLôokÕùLôiúP BÚd¡\ôu.
☺ You have to face the music. - Õ ùLúW LôØd^3 , Lô^3 s L^2 sù]ô ùTôP^3 n. # ¿ ùNnR úYûXdÏ
TôhÓ ®Ým úTô...