Õ @jR ̧^2 ØNSh^3 SúVj ùRhùPô ùL^3 [ôm T^4 kÕô^3 dÏ. # If not finish your food, I wear the
plate on your neck.
ª ̧^2 ¡^3 u ùNôSqvLô? # Shall I eat also? ( Not only smelling)
Õª ̧^2 ¡^3 u ùaôùVjùR ̈Ï^3 ù[ô. # After finishing the eating, start from here.
ùR] úL^2 d¡Wô:n ùU² ª ahúYô¬v # I think. he ate.
_i ̧^3 v, ùLôe¡ L[Sô ̧^2 Wô:n. # I think Janki ate all, without known by others.
ùRà ùLô^2 l^3 T^3 ̧^3 úL^2 d¡Wô:u # I assume, they ate much before.
@eÏ^3 ©pXôd^3 L^2 Yh^3 ¬u, @jRôv L^2 Yh^3 ù]ô. # I am not yet feed the child. now only
going to feed.
Õ, ùRùLô^3 ̈jùR T^3 w ́ L^2 YhÓÏù]ô.. # You must feed him spinach daily.
FL^3 TvXôv L^2 ù]ô ª. # I have not eat yet, and going to eat.
ª @eÏ^3 ̧^2 ¬u # I am not eat yet.
ª @mù[ô Lô^2 g_ôojùR. # I am going to eat gooseberry.
ùR] @jRôv Lô^2 g_ôùWv. # Now only he is going to eat!
§] @jRôv Lô^2 g_ô¬v. # Now only she is going to eat!
@v¡u Lô^2 Rô^2 m Ë Lô^2 g_ôWôv. # All are going to eat at hotel.
§] Ï^3 sù[ Lô^2 g_ô¬u ùU]. # She told that, she it not going to eat sweets.
@ª ûL Lô^2 g_Wôu. # Both of we not going to eat.
Lô^2 júR[ ùRhPôm úLô^3 U:¡^3 ©^3 úNôSv. # A fly sitting around the plate while eating.
ùR] ùL^2 núX W:R Õô^3 oYô¦ @úYv. # The phone called him while he was eating.
ùR]Lô^3? @jR ùL^2 núX úNS.#He?... He is eating now.
@mTô^3 , Õ ùUôùLô^3 d L^2 Yôh^3 # Mother, please feed me.
NSãSàô, ùUô¬ ùT^3 Pôd^3 L^2 YùPô^3 .#Please feed my son, mother-in-law.
ùUôùLô^3 ¶j^3 Õ^3 á^3 v L^2 Yôn. # I can eat this much only.
ùUôùLô^3 Nôo ùL[ úY² L^2 Yô]. # I can not eat more than four bananas.
ùLôÓ^3 ùXkRôp L^2 YúVu. # I am not able to eat because of bitter taste.
ùRôWô:p Tô^3 o AmTô^3 L^2 Yôn ̧^3 ?# Can you able to eat twelve mangos?
ùL^4 h¥ TRô^3 ojÕ L^2 Yô] ̧^3 ?# Are you not able to eat hard foods?