European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1


This volume represents the work of a number of individuals. Foremost among them is my co-

author Lee Hendrix, who wrote all of the entries on the drawings of the Northern and British schools. It

should be added that she has been a valuable collaborator in the development of the collection. Kelly Pask,

Curatorial Assistant, has made a major contribution in a variety of ways. She has served as general coor-
dinator of this project and has also worked on many of the artists' biographies with Lee Hendrix. Lastly,
she has made many useful art historical observations that are noted in individual entries. Nancy E. Yocco,
Assistant Conservator, has again checked the condition of all drawings and noted inscriptions and other
marks on them. Kathy Kibler, Senior Secretary, took on the onerous task of preparing the manuscript and
did so with admirable competence. Once again we have had the good fortune to have Andrea P. A. Belloli
as editor; she has improved the manuscript in many respects and given it greater clarity and consistency.
Finally, our two outside readers, Ann-Marie S. Logan and Graham Smith, reviewed the text and made a

number of helpful criticisms and suggestions. I am grateful to all of the above, without whom this volume

would not have appeared. As with the first volume, all judgments concerning attribution and other issues

are those of the compilers, notwithstanding their respect for the opinions of the many scholars from whose
expertise they have greatly benefited.
This is also a suitable occasion to thank those many individuals at the Getty Museum and elsewhere
for their support in the development of the drawings collection. It has prospered with the encouragement
of the Museum's director, John Walsh, and chief curator, Deborah Gribbon, as well as that of Harold Wil-

liams and other members of the Board of Trustees. All have shared our belief in the importance of the col-

lection and its active development. We are also grateful to the many scholars, dealers, and auctioneers who

have been helpful to the department in innumerable ways.
The publication of this volume encourages a review of the last four years of collecting. We have

been pleased by the many fine opportunities that have come our way, ranging from a new Altdorfer to three

Watteaus of real quality. There has been a continuing emphasis on old master over nineteenth-century

material, in large part due to the relative scarcity of the former. In time we expect to achieve a more bal-

anced representation as we gradually move from being a new collection to becoming one of greater depth

and variety.

George R. Goldner
Curator, Department of Drawings

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