European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1

J AC OP O TINTORETTO ( Jacopo Robusti)


47 Studies of a Statuette ofAtlas


Studies of a Statuette of Atlas

and a Figure Praying


Black chalk and white chalk heightening; H: 25.5 cm (10
in.); W: 39. i cm (i5^7 /i6 in.)
MARKS AND INSCRIPTIONS: (Recto) at bottom margin,
inscribed tintoretto in brown ink.
PROVENANCE: C. R. Rudolf, London (sale, Sotheby's,
London, July 4, 1977, lot 93); S. Abate, Boston; sale,
Christie's, London, April 19, 1988, lot 41; art market,
New York.
EXHIBITIONS: Old Master Drawings from the Collection of
Mr. C. R. Rudolf, Arts Council of Great Britain, Lon-
don, 1962, no. 69; Sculptors' Drawings over Six Centuries
1400-1950, Drawing Center, New York, 1987, no. 12
(catalogue by C. Eisler).

toretto and his workshop of a figure of Atlas which are
copied from a design by Sansovino, the latter known
through a bronze in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts,
Moscow. The identification of the source for these stud-
ies was first made by M. Liebmann,^1 who initially con-
sidered the bronze a studio work but later followed H.
Weihrauch^2 in accepting a full attribution of it to San-
sovino himself. Weihrauch dated the bronze to the 15405,
a hypothesis that gains from the fact that Tintoretto
loosely based a number of figures in his paintings on it,
beginning not later than 1549 with Saint Roch Ministering
to the Plague-Stricken (Venice, Chiesa di San Rocco).^3 As
has been pointed out by K. Pask, the same figure reap-
pears with variations in a number of further paintings by
Tintoretto,^4 though in each instance with small differ-
ences from the Sansovino model. The small framed
sketch on the verso of the sheet may represent an idea for
a portrait. Lastly, the subtle surface handling and ani-
mated outline argue for the attribution of this sheet to
Tintoretto himself.

  1. Soobshcheniya Akademiya Nauk Institut Istorii Iskusstv 13-14
    (1960), pp. 154-65-

  2. "Italienische Bronzen als Vorbilder deutscher Gold-
    schmiedekunst," Festschrift TheodorMiiller (Munich, 1965), pp.
    266-67; M. Liebmann, in Western European Sculpture from So-
    viet Museums: i$th and loth Centuries (Leningrad, 1988), no. 56.

  3. B. Wipper, Tintoretto (Moscow, 1948), p. 16.

  4. Antiope and Jove (Modena, Galleria Esténse) ; David and Bath-
    sheba (Vienna, Kunsthistoriches Museum); Martyrdom of Saint
    Mark (Brussels, Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique);
    Miracle of Saint Mark (Accademia).

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