European Drawings 2: Catalogue of the Collections

(Marcin) #1

© I99^2 The J. Paul Getty Museum
17985 Pacific Coast Highway
Malibu, California 90265-579 9
Mailing address:
Santa Monica, California 90407-
Christopher Hudson, Head of Publications
Andrea P. A. Belloli, Consulting Editor
Cynthia Newman Helms, Managing Editor
Karen Schmidt, Production Manager
Deenie Yudell, Design Manager
Project staff:
Andrea P. A. Belloli, Editor
Jeffrey Mueller, Designer
Charles V. Passela, Photographer
Amy Armstrong, Production Coordinator
Typography by Wilsted & Taylor, Oakland
Printed by L.E.G.O., SpA, Vicenza, Italy

(Revised for vol. 2)
J. Paul Getty Museum.
European drawings.
Volume 2 by George R. Goldner and Lee Hendrix
with the assistance of Kelly Pask.
Includes bibliographies and index.
i. Drawing, European—Catalogs. 2. Drawing—
California—Malibu—Catalogs. 3. J. Paul Getty
Museum—Catalogs. I. Goldner, George R., 1943-
II. Hendrix, Lee. III. Williams, Gloria. IV. Title.
NC225.J25 1988 74i.94'o7479493 87-
ISBN 0-89236-092-5 (v. i)
ISBN 0-89236-219-7 (v. 2)

Cover: Pordenone, Martyrdom of Saint Peter Martyr (no. 36)
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