— there are more than 700 statements, which prove not only that God is NOT the
Author of these books, but that EVEN Moses himself had no hand in them. Open
these books at random and you will see:
- "And the Lord said unto him. Away, get thee down.. ."
- "And Moses said unto the Lord, the people cannot come.. ."
- "And the Lord said unto Moses, Go on before the people.. ."
- "And the Lord spoke unto Moses, saying.. ."
- "And the Lord said unto Moses, Get down, charge the.. ."
It is manifest and apparent that these are NEITHER the Words of God NOR of Moses.
They indicate the voice of third person writing from hearsay.
Things are compounded by the fact that many of these books were reported by
unknown authors:
Let me conclude this "authorship" search with the verdict of those 32 scholars,
backed by their 50 co-operating denominations. God had been eliminated from this
authorship race long ago. In the RSV by "Collins," invaluable notes on "The Books of
the Bible" are to be found at the back of their production. I am reproducing only a
bit of that information on below. We start with
"GENESIS" — the first book of the Bible. The scholars say about its "AUTHOR": "One
of the 'five books of Moses'." Note the words "five books of Moses" are written in
inverted commas
— " " This is a subtle way of admitting that this is what people say — that it is the
book of Moses, that Moses was its author, but we (the 32 scholars) who are better
informed, do not subscribe to that tittle-tattle.
AUTHOR? "Generally credited to Moses."
This is the same category as the book of Genesis.
Who is the author of the book of "JUDGES?" Answer: "Possibly Samuel."
Who is the author of the book of "JOSHUA?" Answer: "Major part credited to Joshua."
Who is the author of "RUTH?" Answer: "Not definitely known" AND
Who is the author of:
1ST SAMUEL?............ Answer: Author "Unknown"
2ND SAMUEL........... Answer: Author "Unknown"