(WallPaper) #1

these attributions, Muslims describe Allah using only the most beautiful names and
lofty attributes.

The Islamic doctrine regarding the prophets of God.

The Christians Jews have unashamedly attributed to the Prophets and messengers
of God unspeakable acts that are unimaginable to be in a noble person or one who
has a good name let alone be qualities of prophets and messengers of God who God
selected as the trustees of his message. Islam however raises the rank of these
prophets and holds them in very high esteem.

And from amongst these despicable acts are the following:

1) They claim that Noah became intoxicated after drinking and exposed himself
i.e. got naked. Genesis 9:2.0-21 Islam rejects these false ideas and considers
Noah to be from the five Ultimate prophets

2) They claim that Lot became intoxicated and fornicated with his two
daughters first the elder and then the younger and they both were
impregnated by him, this is no ordinary fornication this is incest and
fornication the most despicable type. As is mentioned in Genesis, chapter
19Islam rejects these false ideas, and con>irms his prophet hood and that he
was sent to stop the heinous crimes that were taking place.

3) They claim that Joseph was considering fornicating have untied his lower
garments for that, Islam reject this take on the events and rather mentions
that she was the one who instigated not him he rejected her advances.

4) They claim that the prophet Aaron worshipped the calf that was made from
stone, beyond this they say he made for the calf a temple and ordered the
Children of Israel to worship it, the reference can be found in Exodus,
Chapter 32. Islam completely rejects this notion.

5) They claim that David fell into fornication, Islam considers this another lie

6) They claim that the Prophet of God Solomon was a magician and that he
practised magic as a king, and apostated later on in life, Islam rejects these
false notions as well

7) The claim that Jesus was the Son of God. We find the Jews rejecting his
miraculous birth and the Christians over stepping their bounds in terms of
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