(WallPaper) #1
4) A call to illicit fornication, adultery, rape and other indecencies.

Any reader of the Torah may be alarmed and moreover shocked by the sheer
volume of the stories dedicated to tales of fornication, orgies, rape and other
indecencies none more shocking then incestuous relations, therein are detailed
descriptions scene by scene, almost as though it is a guide book to those despicable
acts and it is no exaggeration rather this is a small drop from a vast ocean of these

An explicit example of this can be found in Genesis 37

One fines their books littered with examples of tale of prostitutes and prostitution
with details of their sordid acts, and had it not been in the name of decency I could
have mentions many, many examples of these sordid tales. These stories have no
benefit or moral lesson and instead only act to enrage desire and arouse the reader,
and so anyone who is exposed to the likes of these sordid tales will out of sheer
exposure to them eventually fall foul of the same acts and that inevitability is more
likely when you see the huge number of these tales. It is like the animal that eats
from waste the meat of this animal becomes foul like its diet was.

It is unthinkable that these stories are attributed to God stories that are so explicit
that they are unsuitable for adults themselves to read let alone children, it is
unbelievable that these stories are then attributed to God.

This is why we find those who spread these immoral materials on the airwaves and
the Internet and T.V and satelliteare basing a lot of these actions on what the book of
the Jews instructions, and later more examples of these exact paragraphs will be
mentioned later.

5) What the Jews believe in regard of the women.

a) The Jews claim that if a women is menstruating then she herself is impure, not
only this but rather anything that she touches is also impure, and when she finally
ends her menstruation she remains impure until the sunset of that day. [Leviticus

This claim is wholly incorrect as the only impurity is the place of menstruation, and
with the removal of this impurity she is pure completely.

b) They claim also about the women that is she gives birth to a boy she is impure for
a week and if she gives birth to a girl she is impure for two weeks. [Leviticus 13:1]

This differentiation has no basis, as there is no difference when a woe gives birth to
a boy or a girl.

c) They prohibit the marriage to a widow or a divorcee [Leviticus 21:14]

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