(WallPaper) #1

It is from the likes of these verses that we learn more about the names and attribute
of Allah, from this one we learn His oneness is also defined by His mercy.

Whereas we find the Christians defining him a trinity of the Father the Son and the
holy Ghost / spirit.

Instead of Glorifying him as it sis due to Him we find descriptions that are untoward
and unbefitting.

This indicates without doubt that the claim that the Quran was inspired by the bible
is a ludicrous one that shows just how much hatred is in the holders of these
fabricated ideas.

It should be noted here that Muslims do not call themselves Mohammedans rather
this name was associated with the Muslims wrongfully by some of the disbelievers.

Muslims do not worship Muhammad and so are not called Mohammedan , rather
they worship Allah alone removing from him any lies and untruths.

The Christians are however content at being called Christians as they are in the
most part worshippers of Jesus claiming his divinity.

The Messiah is nothing but a messenger of Allah who Allah selected to be a prophet,
to give warning and glad tidings. He was aided in that invitation by miracles so that
people would have no doubt in him as a prophet.

Gory be to Allah the Lord of the worlds.

They also ask attackingly:

What does it mean that the Quran was revealed in seven variants of recital.

The answer is as follows : the Quran was revealed to Muhammad in a number of
variant recitals, this was to allow for the differing dialect of Arabic the tribes around
the Arabian peninsular spoke.

Perhaps it would have been immeasurably difficult for one who has accustomed
himself with speaking according to one of these variant dialects from birth to
suddenly start to recite in a different variant, so it was from the grace and mercy of
Allah that he reveled it making it easily accessible and retrievable whenever needed
in the hearts of the Arabs.

It also proves the ability of the prophet in reading in all of these variant, in order to
allow them to read in what was more accustomed to them, he the prophet mastered
these various dialects despite only being aware of the Dialect of Quraysh the Meccan

So his utterance of the different dialect is also a proof from amongst the miracle of
this noble prophet.

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