(WallPaper) #1

It is also reported in Christianity that this Holy Spirit used to take the form of a Dove
as is mentioned in the Gospel of Mathew 16:3, and this is no surprise when you
consider that they claim that this son is of human descent and emerged from the
womb. This son was then circumcised after his birth by a few days and was fed from
the breast of his mother. In addition, he would drink alcohol as well as eat and
would also need to urinate and defecate. These are all attributes unbefitting of the
Lord, the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

All of these claims on God or His so called son and the third part of the trinity being
the holy Spirit we have made mention of these claims and attributions all of which
are wholly inappropriate and far removed from what should be attributed to Allah
Almighty, and anyone with a sound disposition and an objective eye and any
common sense can see this clearly.

How does this false doctrine manifest itself?

Christian missionaries and preachers alike call to the doctrine of the Divinity of
Christ and they do this in the following way:

They say either Jesus is divine or that he is a liar or that he is a madman, it must be
one of these three possibilities.

But there remains one possibility that is not being entertained by those who like to
follow their whims and desires and that is that he was a prophet sent by God and the
miracles that were sent with him were given to him by god to prove to them the
truth of his message.

It should be noted that these missionaries always target:

The young, who usually have not heard or studied about Islam.

The poor, who are in desperate need of assistance and food and who are given these
in place of them becoming Christians.

People who seek positions are given assistance in order to reach their target the
only payment they are asked for is that they become Christian.

There is no doubt that the Christians also use the media to further their goals and
their belief.

How did Jesus become God.

It is well documented that citations of Jesus being referred to as God are non-
existent until the year 325CE when the First Council of Nicaea which was a council
of Christian bishops convened in Nicaea in Bithynia by the Roman
EmperorConstantine I in AD 325.

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