(WallPaper) #1

It goes without saying that a human under the influence of any intoxicants is able to
do acts that even the wildest animals would not do. He can kill, maim, steal and rape
and even more serious than all this is the spiritual disconnection between himself
and his Lord.

Perhaps an intoxicated human can swear at his Lord and His Prophets and
Messengers, in addition to the dangers he causes his body and mind as a result of

Despite all of this, we find Christianity allowing alcohol and intoxicants and
indorsing it claiming that God permitted this to them. Exalted is Allah from what
they attribute to Him.

In Christianity, we find exerts from Paul, which show him encouraging the
consumption of alcohol. It is said that Timothy used to say, “ Drink only water, but
use some barely juice (wine) for your stomach and your health. (Timothy 5:23).

One should ask is it really beneficial for the body to get intoxicated? The answer is of
course not.

What is even more astonishing is the claim that the first miracle that Jesus
performed was turning water into wine and it has become part of Christian custom
to drink wine during their worship and festivities.

5- A call to the killing and pillaging of people.

One would have noticed from the previous chapter that the drinking of wine and
intoxicants is something endorsed in Christianity, one of the results of this
intoxication is the killing and pillaging of people.

In ones reading of the Bible one finds Jesus who is thought of as God in Christianity
calling for the killing of his enemies and people who rejected his dominion over
them. [ the Gospel of Luke 19:27 ]

One finds detailed descriptions of where the Bible talk about the killing of men
women and children by the sword and not even the animals were spared donkeys
were killed and whole cities and villages were burned to the ground. [Joshua]

One >inds that revenge is propagated as is mentioned in [Samuel I 15 Number 2]

“ Kill every man, woman, and suckling child, and cow and camel and donkey”.

One finds God commanding the Children of Israel to:

“When you draw near to a city to fight against it, offer terms of peace to it. If they
accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and
shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay
siege to that city. When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the
sword all the men in it. but the women and the little ones, the livestock, and

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