(WallPaper) #1

"ONE!"), all the three are supposed to be Omnipresent and Omniscient and as such
leads us to an amusing and ridiculous conclusion. Jesus (pbuh) according to the
Christians agonized on the cross at Calvary. Being "inseparable," the Father and the
Holy Ghost also must have agonized with the Son, and when he died, the other two
died with him!

Little wonder we hear the cry in the West — "God is Dead!" Don't laugh. All this
imposes on us a more somber responsibility of extricating our Christian brethren
from the spiritual quagmire into which they are wallowing.

From among the great contradictions in the Bible:

2- The differences in the Gospels themselves.

In fact the oldest manuscript of the Bible is one written in Greek! A language Jesus
did not even speak, which is another example of the great inconsistencies in

The Gospels like the rest of the New Testament, were written in Greek, a European
language,while Jesus spoke Aramaic (a Semitic language related to Hebrew and
Arabic). This implies a further problem of translating Jesus' reported words into
Greek. There is no certainty as to what Jesus' original words in his own language, or
what they meant in the context of their times.

Jesus did not write the revelation nor did he order it to be written, means that the
oldest manuscript of the Christians is unreliable as a body of text, as it cannot be
considered transmitted by word of mouth.

Surprisingly then that one hears boasting on the part of some Christians that the
have 27,000 manuscripts unsurprisingly no two are ever the same. The earliest of
those manuscripts are ones from 300 to 400 years after Jesus (pbuh).

An example would be circumcision:

[Genesis 17:4] obligates it Jesus having been circumcised on the 8th day, however
one finds that Paul abrogates this.

As it has already been mentioned he abrogated the practice of circumcision that was
mentioned in the Old Testament not only did he seek to banish the practice he also
threatened anyone who practiced it that he would not be benefitted by Jesus, he
done this to win favor among the Romans who did not like the idea.

Instead of considering Paul a traitor a man who changed the tradition of their
prophet and God we find Christians glorifying him.

From among the great contradictions in the Bible:

3- The differences in the Birthday of Jesus.
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