(WallPaper) #1
The contradictions regarding the Crucifixion.

The Christian claim is that Jesus was crucified as a sacrifice and for the Sins of man;
this is one of the fundamental beliefs in Christian doctrine.

However as will be demonstrated the Bible does not support this theory and
actually provides contradictory evidence.

1) The lack of any witness to this event.

As all of the Disciples left Jesus.

Furthermore, one of the alleged witnesses, St. Mark, tells us that at the most critical
juncture in the life of Jesus - "All his disciples forsook him and fled" - (Mark 14:50).
Please ask your Christian friend, "Does 'all' mean all in your language, you
Englishman?" (This applies to the North American as well) And he will no doubt say

  • "Yes!” "Does 'almal' mean almal in your language, you Afrikaner?" And no doubt he
    so the so-called "eye-witnesses" were not really eyewitnesses to the happenings,
    unless St. Mark is not telling us the whole truth, the "gospel truth". Yet he is
    supposed to be speaking under oath! You will agree that a case based on such
    hearsay evidence would be thrown out of Court, TWICE in two minutes, in any
    Court-of-Law, in any civilized country; that is TWICE in just 120 seconds >lat! But a
    ghost (dogma) of two thousand years standing, upon which hangs the salvation of
    1200 million Christians, should not be summarily dismissed. It deserves a little
    more circumspection. We will therefore entertain the alleged testimonies of
    Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as if they were duly attested.

2) The lack of any witness to this event.

In my country, we enjoy a four-day holiday around Easter, beginning with what is
called GOOD FRIDAY. What makes Good Friday good? They say that because Christ
died for their sins on that day. And in tune with that, every Christian country in the
world - Britain, France, Germany, America, Lesotho, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe,
they all commemorate Good Friday. I have already proved to you that Jesus could
not have been on the cross for more than three hours, if at all. For all their rush and
hurry, they could not bundle Jesus into the tomb before sunset of Friday.

More than a thousand and one sects and denominations of Christianity, bickering on
every aspect of faith, are nevertheless, almost all agreed that Jesus Christ was
SUPPOSED to have been in the tomb on the night of Friday. He was still SUPPOSED
to be in the tomb on the day of Saturday. And he was still SUPPOSED to be in the
tomb on the night of Saturday.1

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