
(Dana P.) #1

in Table 2. In order to calculate elements of the
traffic matrix, this total demand is multiplied by
a size measure (percentage) for the source and
destination location indicated in Figure 13. For
example, the element in the traffic matrix for
the Videoconference application from Bodø to
Bergen is found as: 97567 ⋅5/100 ⋅10/100.

Links of capacity 155 Mbit/s are considered.
The distance between two locations are multi-
plied by 100 in order to get the cost for having
one 155 Mbit/s link between those locations. In
addition, termination modules in the routers rep-
resent the other cost component depending on
capacity cost. One termination unit able to han-
dle one link is assumed to have cost equal to
10,000 cost units.

The reference values of the cost factors used
when deciding whether or not to cross-connect
an LSP are given in Table 3. In this chapter, the
term LSP is used for any grouping of capacity
allocated to traffic aggregates, even though such
a grouping may have a capacity higher than a
single link (i.e. greater than 155 Mbit/s for these
cases). For the calculations presented weight

factors for control and switching are equal,
kc=ks= k.

7.1 Reference Case

In the reference case, the configuration and val-
ues are kept as described in Figure 13 and in
Tables 1 and 2. The network consists of 50 uni-
directional links giving a minimum of 50 LSPs.
Although these LSPs may not be established,
this notion of counting is used for simplification
as the relative increase in the number of LSPs
and which additional LSPs are established is
more interesting than the absolute number of
LSPs. Since LSPs on direct links will not be
considered for splitting between different CoS
classes, no more than 448 LSPs can be estab-

The weight factors for control and switching
costs are varied and the resulting number of

Application name

Flow Direction Mean Peak Loss Blocking Duration CoS
ID rate rate ratio req. [min]
[kbit/s] [kbit/s]

1 Telephony – total demand 151.446 Erlang
1.1 UN 64 64 10 -6 0.01 5 1
1.2 NU 64 64 10 -6 0.01 5 1

2 Video on Demand – total demand 2.840 Erlang
2.1 UN 8 8 10 -9 0.01 90 2
2.2 NU 1664 2064 10 -9 0.01 90 2

3 Videoconference – total demand 97.567 Erlang
3.1 NU 8 2000 10 -6 0.005 45 3
3.2 UN 1 64 10 -6 0.005 45 3
3.3 UN 64 64 10 -9 0.01 45 2
3.4 UN 384 384 10 -9 0.01 45 2
3.5 NU 64 64 10 -9 0.01 45 2
3.6 NU 384 384 10 -9 0.01 45 2

4 Real-time transaction – total demand 48.502 Erlang
4.1 UN 64 128 10 -6 0.005 2 3
4.2 NU 64 128 10 -6 0.005 2 3

5 Telegame – total demand 998 Erlang
5.1 UN 64 64 10 -6 0.05 20 4
5.2 NU 2000 5000 10 -6 0.05 20 4

Direction: UN = user →network, NU = network →user; CoS = Class of Service

Table 2 Applications with
relevant input

kt ks αβkc δγε

1.0 k 200.0 0.0 k 1.0 1.0 1.0

Table 3 Cost factors and
weight factors for reference
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