where φadenotes the average size (in bits) of a
requested file in aggregate a. The first factor in
equation (14) represents the number of packets
that must be transmitted and the second factor
represents the number of times each packet is
transmitted before it is successfully received.
Inserting equations (13) and (14) into equation
(12) we notice that the average number srof
TCP flows in progress on path ris constant
sa= νaφa/ μacc.
Note, however, that the request completion time
will depend on the performance of the LSP,
hence the satisfied demand, i.e. the session
throughput per time unit, will increase the better
the performance, and vice versa.
The total rate at which packets are offered to a
TCP connection is adjusted in response to the
congestion encountered along the route. We
therefore adjust the offered load ρto match the
user packet rate λas
Equations (6) through (15) define a system of
two simultaneous non-linear equations
ρr= fr(ρr, ρr')
ρr'= fr'(ρr, ρr')
which can be solved numerically by applying
Newton’s method with numerically computed
The revenue function corresponding to the ob-
jective function (2) when ais a TCP aggregate is
defined similarly, but with the “hard” blocking
probability E(⋅,⋅) enforced by CAC replaced by
the “soft” blocking probability reflected in the
attraction factor α, hence
F(a, xa) = θaνaφaαa (16)
where θais the revenue per bit, νaφais the num-
ber of bits offered per time unit and αa= αa(xa)
is the fraction of bits carried under configuration
Note that in more elaborate models of TCP and
possibly also in models of higher layer applica-
tion protocols, the blocking factor αmay include
“hard” events related to protocols. In TCP e.g., a
retransmission time-out failure will occur when
repeated losses and time-outs have forced the
value of the time-out to its maximum value 64
5.1.2 Extension to Multi-Path Routing
The model can readily be extended to the case
where several LSPs are used for each TCP
aggregate. Let there be Ksuch LSPs and let
superscript (k) refer to the kthLSP. Let the frac-
tion of the traffic carried on LSP kbe denoted by
φ(k)and assume that traffic is balanced to yield
equal loads on all paths
Equal loads (and equal buffer memories) result
in equal packet loss probabilities eand equal
queues qfor all paths. An average user is
assumed to see an average path which behaves
like a weighted sum of the individual paths.
Re-writing equation (8) for the average packet
transmission time results in
since the scaling factors φ(k)which apply to γ
cancel out. Rewriting equation (17) as yr(k)=
Ar/μ(rk)and letting μr= ΣKk=1μr(k), the average
packet transmission time xis
which implies that the net effect of distributing
transmission capacity between Kequally loaded
paths is that the transmission time is scaled by K.
Finally, the average window sizes w, user packet
rates λ, and number of transfers in progress sare
obtained for multiple paths as above.
5.2 An Application
Consider the network [16] presented in Figure 5,
which is a fictitious representation of the core
NSF ATM backbone consisting of 8 nodes con-
nected by 20 uni-directional links. The transmis-
sion capacity of each link is 5,624 units (1 unit
equals 64 kbits/sec). The double lines between
nodes 3 and 4 and nodes 7 and 8 indicate that
two uni-directional links connect these nodes.
The network carries two TCP services which are
aimed at domestic and business users respec-
tively. The two categories differ in terms of the
speed of their access links and the sizes of their
requests. For domestic users we have μacc= 48
kbps and φ= 30 kbytes, while for business users