
(Dana P.) #1
diverse and dynamic traffic situation of com-
puter networks the enhanced reliability and traf-
fic resilience of mask shaped nets are essential.
A significant part of the development effort was
concentrated on a desire to handle these needs
of computer networking automatically and well.
One issue in that development pertained espe-
cially to mask shaped – as opposed to star
shaped nets. Both traffic control and reassembly
of large messages are more complicated in the
former. But with the resulting TCP/IP (Transport
Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) protocol
suite mask shaped nets can exhibit their advan-
tages automatically in dynamic situations.

The result was the protocol suite TCP/IP. The
successful, persistent and ubiquitous use of
TCP/IP is now established in millions of nets of
even more millions of computers. That deserves
being mentioned explicitly. Those protocols
resulted from an extremely thorough analysis
and design. “No stone was left unturned” during
the development which took several years. The-
oretical analyses were complemented by experi-
ments. Combinations of traffic types and re-

quirements, network topologies and application
types were imagined, implemented, tried, failed,
changed and tried again. The “final” TCP and IP
were not easily postulated and approved.

Traffic Diversity

Nobody can ever reproduce in a laboratory the
chaotic traffic pattern of a lively telecom or
computing network and even less the diverse
demands of information exchange. The growing
active dynamic traffic situation in the Arpanet
prevailed during onwards development of its
own underlying technology. That may be one
reason for the robustness, elegance and surviv-
ability of the result. Arpanet was the laboratory.
At the same time it was an active telecom net-
work, a resource sharing network and a forum of
creative and critical people. During a period of
intensively active development methods were
conceived and perfected until functioning well in
an environment which was closer to reality than
anyone might have dreamt up in a “sterile” labo-
ratory environment. At the same time a profound
theoretical understanding was developed. It kept
its scrutiny on experimental results and was both
guiding and following up the work in an ad-
mirable teamwork. The group at UCLA under
Leonard Kleinrock’s leadership was foremost
in that area.

One of the many experiments illustrates some
of this thoroughness, the Internet conference
speechexperiment. Digital speech coding is of
course a long story in itself. Whereas inter-
national telephony today uses 64,000 bits per
second to represent ordinary speech, many other
methods can represent fully understandable
speech by much more compact codes. One
example is Linear Predictive Code – LPC. It per-
mits understandable speech to be represented by
2,400 bits per second (this is not the limit, but it
was used for that particular experiment). Such
compact coding is less tolerant both of back-
ground acoustical noise around the speaker and
of errors in the transmission channel. Loss of
a packet is more harmful in the more compact
codes. An LPC coder/decoder (codec) developed
by MIT’s Lincoln Laboratory was used for the
experiment. The first version of the codec, a rack
mounted unit so large it could barely be lifted by
a man, was successively replaced by smaller and
lighter units doing the same. It helped clearing
the way towards possibilities of today’s inte-
grated circuit chip solutions.

Further about the conference speech experiment.
A rather many-sided development had created
solutions and understanding of protocol options,
network configurations, packet satellite channel
access algorithms and their inherent stability,
various performance characteristics, and many
other factors, before the final experiment. It



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Real connection

Layered protocols let
application programs in
co-operating computers talk
“virtually direct”. Actors
(programs) at each level need
not worry about details of what
goes on at the lower levels of
the information exchange.
An analog situation is in
correspondence by mail,
where users put (and get) the
enveloped letter in a letterbox
and leave the many detailed
procedures (“lower levels of
protocol”) to the various
departments of the Mail

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