
(Dana P.) #1
PATH-message is received by the destination
host, the RESV-message is created and transmit-
ted upstream towards the source host, making
the requested resource allocations in each router
along the path, if possible. The receipt of the
RESV-message in the source host signifies that
consistent resource allocations are being made in
every router, so that transmission of user data
may begin.

The main functional blocks of an IntServ router
are shown in Figure 4. When compared with the
Best Effort router, the forwarding module has
become more complex. It constitutes an MF
(Multi-Field) classifier, mapping the incoming
packets to a service class based on multiple
fields in the packet header. The scheduler is
managing the forwarding of flows from the out-
put queues of the Buffer Management block.

In addition to the modules for routing and for-
warding, there is a Signalling module dealing
with the RSVP signalling messages, and an
Admission Control module handling the re-
source allocation requests.

By basing the service provisioning on resource
allocation and policing (in the scheduler) of the
individual flows, IntServ is capable of providing
differentiated service classes in a “fair” manner
and with a quantifiable QoS. It overcomes the
first three limitations of the Best Effort service.
The main problem with IntServ is the extensive
processing taking place in each router due to the
per-flow handling of the resource allocation. For
the same reason, the establishment of new paths
to avoid bottlenecks in the network or support
load-sharing or protection switching is less
attractive, albeit possible.

2.3 Modelling the Network Topology

In the current topology model [GenIPmodel], the
router is represented on the network level by a
subnetwork with one connection point group
(CPG) constituting a number of equal connec-
tion points (CPs) for each incoming and outgo-
ing link1)as shown in Figure 5. Each CPG cor-
responds to a set of physical ports.

When compared to the best-effort router in
Figure 1, the function modelled is the routing.
Forwarding is not part of the topological repre-

The interconnections between the routers are
modelled as links with a certain capacity in
terms of bandwidth. More than one interconnec-
tion may be transported over a single link.

The topological structure of an IP network may
be modelled on the basis of subnetworks and
links as shown in Figure 6. A Topological Link
is a link exhibiting the additional constraint of
being supported by a single trail in the server
layer. For example, the IP link in Figure 4 is
a topological link if it is supported by a single
LSP in the MPLS layer.

Subnetworks are either interconnected locally by
means of common CPGs or remotely via links.

2.3.1 Partitioning of Subnetworks
A more abstract representation of the network in
Figure 6 is obtained by hiding the internal struc-
ture represented by the contained links and sub-
networks, leaving the outer subnetwork and the
CPGs at the boundary of the outer subnetwork
only to be visible. This process may be recur-
sively repeated, creating a more abstract repre-
sentation each time. The inverse process, decom-
posing subnetworks into contained subnetwork
groupings is called subnetwork partitioning.

Figure 4 The IntServ router

Figure 5 Router, network view

1)In many cases, all the input ports belonging to one incoming link are interconnected so there is
only one input CP.



Classifier Scheduler

Buffer Management Traffic Control

IP Forwarding module






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