
(Dana P.) #1
delays of IP-packets of a given AC, QC from

Jitter:Jitter is 2*standard deviation of the delay
over the time interval of 10 seconds of one-way
transfer delays of IP-packets of a given AC, QC
from MRP A to MRP B. Jitter is averaged over
several time slots of 10 seconds and reported
every 16 minutes.

Loss:Loss is the loss probability over the time
interval of 16 minutes of IP-packets of a given
AC, QC transmitted from MRP A to MRP B.

The choice of 16 minutes was made because we
wanted the measurements in the DiffServ imple-
mentation to be over the same interval as in the
QUASI-IntServ implementation for easier com-
parison. In the DiffServ implementation mea-
surements were done using CISCO SAA creat-
ing test traffic. The time between test traffic
packets could not be easily assigned an arbitrary
fractional value. We set 2 * 8 = 16 meaning
8 test bursts and 2 minutes between a burst.
Each test burst of SAA consisted of a sequence
of packets selected to measure the jitter over
10 seconds.

The time interval of 16 minutes may seem far
too long considering burstiness of Internet traf-
fic. However, better QoS flows are often
assumed to be less bursty, data produced by
measurements cannot be very large for storing
and processing reasons, and dynamic manage-
ment is not expected to follow fast changes in
traffic volumes but to adapt to longer time varia-
tions. In each 16 minute time slot the RSVP-
pipes are dimensioned to carry peak traffic and
there is admission control for connections and
shaping of packets by RED in the edge routers.

If the QUASI-IntServ were used in practice, the
time slot size could be set to 5, 15 or 30 minutes,
as customary in PSTN. The time slot size is not
intended to be in the range of seconds, though
traffic variations are very fast in the Internet.
The time slot should be on a time scale suitable
for QoS monitoring and charging. Congestion
control mechanisms resolve problems on smaller
time scales. We should note that the QUASI-
IntServ implementation is only a test implemen-
tation: several aspects, like security, manage-
ment and accounting should be added
or improved before it can be used.

There were different views concerning the mea-
surement of connection blocking – IP does not
have connections, but still there are flows for
each user – and of something similar to through-
put. Throughput for the QUASI-model is some-
thing the user requests, but if the user does not
get it, then we assume that we see some deterio-
ration in the NPL-parameters and do not need to
measure the achieved throughput. This may or
may not be true, and there is an optional NPL
parameter resembling achieved throughput
called the transfer rate.

The usual procedure to set quality requirements
to a network is to select the quality parameters,
select some reference connections or scenarios
and to set target values to the quality parameters.
The project did not follow this procedure, but
rather chose to run a number of experiments test-
ing users’ acceptability. A sample table of upper
bounds resulting from a set of tests was com-
piled (Table 3).

The table contains figures, which can be under-
stood completely after studying the tests as
described in [P906-1]. A brief explanation is

AC AC 1 AC 2 AC 3
Interactive Non Interactive Non Real-Time
QC Real-Time Real-Time

Premium Delay 150 msec 300 msec 100 msec

Jitter 3 msec 50 msec best effort

Loss 2 % 1 % 2.5 %

Guarantee 99 % 99 % 98 %

Basic Delay 800 msec 600 msec 300 msec

Jitter 3 msec 100 msec best effort

Loss 4 % 5 % 15 %

Guarantee 95 % 95 % 92 %

Table 3 NPLs and guarantee
levels for the QUASI-model
(NP values to be considered as
upper bounds)

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