
(Dana P.) #1

There are other similar observations in a multi-
operator situation. If there is an operator offering
predictable prices, while some other offer load
or volume dependent prices, there may be a pro-
tection strategy for the ISP. This means that it
can offer fair prices (in the sense of a martingale
measure) to end-users and have the strategy of
shifting the traffic to the predicable prices in
case lower usage-based prices are not offered
by other operators.

Another observation is that there are cases when
changes in traffic volume are predictable, like
the traffic variation during the day to a large
extent is. If volume changes are predictable and
there are operators offering flat prices and others
offering usage based prices, the ISP may shift
traffic on high traffic times to the flat rate and on
low traffic times to the usage based rate. These
may influence the viability of a particular pric-
ing scheme, and there are also countermeasures.
In this example the operator may require that
capacity is bought only for time units of a cer-
tain duration, that predictability of traffic cannot
be used by an ISP for unwanted optimising pur-

This paper described some results of the
QUASIMODO-project, with emphasis on the
parts where the authors of the paper worked. The
QUASI-model implementations for measure-
ment and management contain measurements for
QoS monitoring, mapping users’ (QC, AC)
selections to DiffServ and IntServ architectures,
and some additional QoS management methods.
The charging-related work in the QUASI-
MODO-project included both generic charging
and accounting model, as well as two possible
billing system solutions. Here, the theoretical
findings have been stressed, while more details
on the particular implementations can be found
in [P906-7], [P906-8]. The linking between the
measurement and management implementations
and the billing systems was not demonstrated; it
is realised by the possibility of obtaining NPL-
measurements to the charging system.


Although this paper represents the view of the
authors, this way we would like to thank all the
P906-GI participants for the interesting work
and discussions undertaken. A special thanks
goes to Mr. Imad Ossaily and Mr. Denis Karpov,
who worked with the QUASI IntServ implemen-
tation. Several figures are from the QUASI-
MODO deliverables.

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EURESCOM, December 2000.

Technical Information 1 – Survey of existing
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Technical Information 2: QUASI-model Imple-
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Technical Information 3: Experimental evalua-
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Technical Information 4 – Key QoS charging
issues.Heidelberg, EURESCOM, 2001.

Deliverable 3 – Methodologies and policies for
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Technical Information 6 – Summary of QUASI-
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