
(Dana P.) #1
work were the access link is in use during a
phone conversation, but idle most of the time.
Installing a capacity much higher than the aver-
age load is a reason for the rather high cost of
the access network.

As many types of applications and users will be
connected, a range of access capacities could be
requested. Commonly, however, rather fixed
capacities are used, e.g. offering Asymmetric
Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) downstream
rates as 384, 768 and 1024 kbit/s. This also con-
tributes to the potential capacity of the access
network usually being poorly utilised.

A core domain usually carries traffic from
a greater set of customers resulting in higher
capacity links and routers. A certain averaging
effect of the traffic, e.g. during the day is also
commonly observed, for example related to the
different customer types and use of services.

The edge of the core network usually has a num-
ber of features related to individual users, like
access lists and monitoring mechanisms. Edge
routers will then implement such features.
Towards other operators, border routers, possi-
bly with similar functionality can be present.

Providing efficient traffic handling implies that
appropriate solutions must be available in all
the domains involved. However, for customer
equipment, it is usually expected that the cost of
providing capacity is relatively low, implying
that capacity is added in case a performance
problem emerges. For other domains mecha-
nisms for differentiated handling of services
(and traffic flows) seem to be gradually intro-
duced. In addition to differentiating between ser-
vices, differentiating between customers would
also be likely (although this could again be seen
as a kind of service differentiation).

When looking for potential performance bottle-
necks it is essential to include the end systems
as well as the processing capabilities in all
domains. This means that efficiency of protocol
software (as well as software of other traffic
handling mechanisms) is a pivotal point. As the
capacity evolution of transmission outpaces the
computer capacity growth, the system designers
may rather concentrate on achieving high trans-
fer speed (putting data on the output interface)
than optimised utilisation of the transmission
bandwidth when seen from an end system point
of view. The network operator view may be
more balanced, however, as a huge number of
traffic flows will be present.

2.3 Layering

Similar to the OSI model (Open System Inter-
connection), the Internet-related protocols can
also be depicted as a hierarchy, see Figure 6.

Numerous protocols could be used below IP,
like Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). A number of pro-
tocols could also be used in the transport layer,
although Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
and User Datagram Protocol (UDP) are amongst
the most popular ones.

Figure 5 Introducing
equipment for concentration
and multiplexer to reduce the
cost for dedicated access lines
per user

Figure 6 Layers and example
of protocols related to IP




= concentrator/multiplexer





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