
(Dana P.) #1
3.1 Interconnecting IP and Optics

The optical networks must be survivable, flexi-
ble and controllable [ID_IPoptfw]. Introducing
more “intelligence” in the control plane for the
optical networks is a step in doing this. As IP
is seen as being a common protocol for much
of the traffic carried by the optical network, util-
ising similar mechanisms as found for the IP-
based networks is looked at with increasing

A first issue is the adaptation and reuse of IP
control plane protocols for the control plane in
optical networks. These are to be used no matter
which traffic flows (IP or non-IP) that are car-
ried. A second issue is how IP traffic can be
carried where joint control and co-ordination
between the IP and optical layer are utilised.

A schematic illustration is depicted in Figure 9.
An optical subnetwork may consist of all-Opti-
cal Cross-Connects (OXCs) or some nodes
where optical-electrical-optical conversion is
used. Two types of control interfaces are indi-
cated; User-Network Interface (UNI) between
the clients and the optical network, and Net-
work-Network Interface (NNI) between optical
subnetworks. The control flow across the UNI
would naturally depend on the services offered
to the client. As the NNI control flow would be
derived from IP control, similarities between
NNI and UNI may well exist when an IP net-
work is the client. The physical implementation
of the UNI may vary, such as:

  • Direct interface with an in-band or out-of-
    band IP control channel. This channel is used
    for exchanging signalling and routing mes-
    sages between the router and the OXC (like
    a peering arrangement);

  • Indirect interface with out-of-band IP control
    channel. The channel may be running between
    management systems or servers;

  • Provisioned interface involving manual opera-

Two service models are outlined in

  • Domain service model where the optical net-
    work primarily offers high bandwidth connec-
    tivity (services like light-path creation, dele-
    tion, modification and status enquiry);

  • Unified service model where the IP and the
    optical network are treated together as an
    integrated network. Then the OXCs will be
    treated like any router as seen from the control
    plane. No distinction is then made between
    UNI, NNI and any other router-to-router inter-
    face. Such an interface is assumed to be

It is important to make a separation between the
control plane and the data plane over the UNI.
As mentioned, the optical network basically pro-
vides services to clients in the form of transport
capacities (by light-paths). IP routers at the edge
of the optical network must establish such paths
before the communication at the IP layer can
start. Therefore, the IP data plan over optical
network is done over an underlying network of
optical paths. On the other hand, for the control
plane the IP routers and the OXCs can have
peering relations, in particular for routing infor-
mation exchanges. Various degrees of loose or
tight coupling between the IP and the optical
network may be used. The coupling is given by
the details of topology and routing information
exchanged, level of control that IP routers can
exercise on selecting specific paths, and policies
regarding dynamic provisioning of optical paths
between routers (including access control,
accounting and security).

Three interconnection models are then seen:

  • Overlaymodel: The routing, topology distri-
    bution, signalling protocols are independent
    for the IP/MPLS and the optical network.

  • Augmentedmodel: Routing instances in the IP
    layer and the optical network are separated by
    information exchanged (e.g. IP addresses are
    known to the optical routing protocols).

  • Peermodel: The IP/MPLS layers act as peers
    to the optical network. Then a single routing
    protocol instance can be used for the IP/MPLS
    network and the optical network.

These models refer to a certain degree of imple-
mentation complexity; the overlay being the
least complex one for near-term deployment and
the peer model the most complex one. As each
of the models has its advantages, an evolution
path for IP over optical network may be seen.

The migration path described in [ID_IPoptfw] is
to start with the simpler functionality, meaning
the domain service model with overlay intercon-

Figure 9 Schematic
illustration of optical network
with client networks





other client


other client

UNI = User-Network Interface network
NNI = Network-Network Interface





network NNI
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