
(Dana P.) #1

presentation exhaustive. Simply counting the
number of publications being presented every
day within the “Internet area” would prevent
any complete article from ever being printed.


[Come88] Comer, D. Internetworking with
TCP/IP.Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice-Hall,

[Feng01] Feng, B et al. State-of-the-art of IP
Routing. Telektronikk, 97 (2/3), 130–144, 2001.
(This issue.)

[ID_BVIPv6] Nguyen, T T et al. 2001. BGP-
MPLS VPN extension for IPv6 VPN over an
IPv4 infrastructure.draft-nguyen-bgp-ipv6-vpn-
02.txt. Work in progress.

[ID_GMPLS] IETF. 2001. Ashwood-Smith, P et
al. Generalized MPLS – Signaling Functional
ing-04.txt. Work in progress.

[ID_IPoptfw] Rajagopalan, B et al. 2001. IP
over Optical Networks: A Framework.draft-
many-ip-optical-framework-03.txt. Work in

[ID_MPLSoptte] Awduche, D O et al. 2001.
Multi-Protocol Lambda Switching: Combining
MPLS Traffic Engineering Control with Optical
03.txt. Work in progress.

[ID_MPmc] Ooms, D et al. 2001. Framework
for IP Multicast in MPLS.draft-ietf-mpls-multi-
cast-05.txt. Work in progress.

[ID-ppro] Docolsky, D, Bryskin, I. 2000. Calcu-
lating of protection paths and proxy interfaces in
optical networks using OSPF.draft-dovolsky-
bryskin-ospf-pathprotect-proxy-00.txt. Work in

[ID_ppvpnfw] IETF. 2001. Callon, R et al. A
Framework for Providing Provisioned Virtual
Private Networks.draft-ietf-ppvpn-framework-
00.txt. Work in progress.

[Jens01] Jensen, T. Basic IP-related mecha-
nisms. Telektronikk, 97 (2/3), 54–85, 2001. (This

[Jens01a] Jensen, T. Traffic Engineering – Inter-
domain and Policy Issues. Telektronikk, 97 (2/3),
170–185, 2001. (This issue.)

[Jens01b] Jensen, T. Internet Protocol and trans-
port protocols. Telektronikk, 97 (2/3), 20–38,

  1. (This issue.)

[Pain01] Paint, F, Egeland, G. 2001. Seamless
Mobility in IP Networks. Telektronikk, 97 (1),

[Reyn01] Reynolds, R J B, Rix, A W. 2001.
Quality VoIP – an engineering challenge. BT
Technology Journal,19 (2), 23–32.

[RFC1268] IETF. 1991. Rekhter, Y, Gross, P.
Application of the Border Gateway Protocol in
the Internet.(RFC 1268.)

[RFC1700] IETF. 1994. Reynolds, J, Postel, J.
Assigned Numbers.(RFC 1700.)

[RFC1771] IETF. 1995. Rekhter, Y, Li, T. A
Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4).(RFC

[RFC2002] IETF. 1996. Perkins, C (ed.). IP
Mobility Support.(RFC 2002.)

[RFC2327] IETF. 1998. Handley, H, Jacobson,
V. SDP: Session Description Protocol.(RFC

[RFC2543] IETF. 1999. Handley, M. SIP: Ses-
sion Initiation Protocol.(RFC 2543.)

[RFC2547] IETF. 1999. Rosen, E, Rekhter, Y.

[RFC2764] IETF. 2000. Gleeson, B et al. A
Framework for IP Based Virtual Private Net-
works.(RFC 2764.)

[RC2917] IETF. 2000. Muthukrishnan, K,
Malis, A. A Core MPLS IP VPN Architecture.
(RFC 2917.)

[Tane96] Tanenbaum, A S. 1996. Computer Net-
works.Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall.

[TS329-3] ETSI. 2001. Telecommunications and
Internet Protocol Harmonization Over Networks
(TIPHON); End-to-End Quality of Service in
TIPHON Systems; Part 3: Signalling and Con-
trol of end-to-end Quality of Service. V.1.1.1.
(ETSI TS 101 329-3.)

[Vlee01] De Vleeschauwer, D et al. Quality
Issues for Packet-based Voice Transport. Telek-
tronikk, 97 (2/3), 319–331, 2001. (This issue.)
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