
(Dana P.) #1
too slow to cope with the time sensitiveness of
real time voice transmissions. This forces VoIP
to incorporate other quicker solutions to solve
this problem. The implementations used are
either to use replay of the last packet, interpola-
tion or introducing redundant information in the
packet stream. Due to the redundant structure of
our language, these solutions could handle
packet losses of at least 5–7 % without major
reductions of the perceived quality.

Other ways of improving the speech is to use the
silent periods in a call, which could amount to
more than half of the time. The silent periods
include real silence, pauses made and breaths.
No packets are sent with information on
“silence”, this interruption of information will
be interpreted as total silence at the receiver.
To avoid this, the receiver side adds some
“nice sounding noise” to the output. Using
this approach the required bandwidth could
be reduced substantially.

VoIP Packet

The coded voice sample obtained by the voice-
receiving unit is encapsulated into the other nec-
essary protocols to be able to be sent on to the
network. Firstly, it is encapsulated by the RTP
(see section on VoIP Supporting Protocols), then
by the UDP and finally by the IP. The UDP
(User Datagram Protocol) is a transport protocol,
which coexists with TCP (Transmission Control
Protocol). For real time applications the UDP is
mostly used, while the TCP is more often used
for transport of text, sound and pictures in non
real time. A generic outlook of the encapsulated
packet is shown in Figure 4. A more detailed
format of a VoIP packet is shown in Figure 7.
As could be seen in the latter figure the 20-octet
voice sample becomes at least a 60-octet packet,
and many times more than that. (This size is fur-
ther enlarged before the information enters the
network, due to further encapsulation.) The
parameters in the headers of the encapsulated
VoIP packet format need some explanation. The
RTP header includes fields for which version of
RTP is used (V), if padding is applied (P), if an
extension exists (X), and the number of CSRS
identifiers that follow the fixed header (CC). The
RTP header also contains a sequence number
and time stamp. These two parameters assure
that the packets arrive in order and that informa-
tion is obtained on the actual round trip delay.
This is used to calculate the synchronization and
to minimize the effects of arrival delay varia-
tions (jitter). Finally, the SSRC and CSRC fields
are used to identify the different sources, in this

case audio sources, which are multiplexed
together to create this packet. The following
UDP header is self-explanatory.

The version of IP used is outlined in the first
header bits, followed by the IHL (IP Header
Length), and the type of service field. The latter
describes high or low precedence of delay,
throughput and reliability of this datagram. The
IP header also includes flags which indicate if
fragmentation is allowed and if so, how the pro-
cess should be handled. The fragment offset
field indicates where, in the reassembled mes-
sage, this specific fragment belongs. This is
done to be able to reassemble the entire packet
in a more efficient way, i.e. to be able to start
sorting the fragments before all of them have
arrived. The protocol field identifies the higher
layer protocol following the IP header, in our
case UDP (coded as 17 [3]).


The implementation issue is quite complex and
several solutions exist to this problem. Basically,
there are four options to implement VoIP to an
existing network; IP PBX, converged appli-
ances, gateways and other solutions.

The IP PBXs are great for the design of the sys-
tem and have several features such as being able
to manage your phone from your PC, multiline
call control and automatic call distribution.
Using IP PBX also includes the possibility to
create a distributed system throughout an IP net-
work. This means that geographically distributed
and separated phones, with features such as
direct call, forwarding, conferencing, preset
numbers and voice mail, provide the appearance
of being connected directly to the local PBX.
Using converged appliances which join phone
and data networks provide the simplified man-
agement that fulfills the promise of VoIP. The
user gets voice PBX features with a full comple-
ment of data networking, messaging and Internet

The next option is to use a gateway. A VoIP-
gateway can be loosely defined as a mechanism
that takes circuit switched voice from a tradi-
tional PBX, converts it to IP and transfers it
across a LAN or WAN to another gateway
where it is reconstituted back into a format that
is understood by the receiving phone system.
Gateway functionality can be obtained through
stand-alone boxes, modules or chassis cards for
proprietary boxes, also expandable routers of
software and expansion cards for some servers.
It should however be pointed out that these are
voice packets running over IP. But the packets
are not running over the Internet, and none of the
features and capabilities gained by converging
voice and data networks are obtained. Finally,

Figure 4 The VoIP packet
structure, consisting of the IP,
UDP and RTP header in front
of the actual voice sample

IP-header UDP-header RTP-header Voice sample
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