
(Dana P.) #1
the round-trip delay. An observation is that the
receiver’s window should be at least as great as
this product. If this window is too small, the
sender has to pause in the transmission waiting
for the data to be acknowledged. This could
result in poor utilisation of the transmission link.
On the other hand there is rarely only one single
sender-receiver connection present at any major

As transmission rates increase, the bandwidth-
delay product may very well increase for an end-
to-end connection. This may ask for additional
features in TCP in order to efficiently utilise
high rate links. Due to the window mechanism
TCP performance does not only depend on the
transfer rate but also on the round-trip delay.
The bandwidth-delay product gives a measure
of the amount of data that can “fill the transfer
link” see Figure 12. Note that the bandwidth
may not be symmetric. Additional TCP perfor-
mance challenges arise as this product gets

Three fundamental problems are, ref.

  • Limit of the window size: Using 16 bits to
    specify the window size limits the largest
    size to 64 kbyte. This can be circumvented by
    introducing an additional TCP option, called
    window scale. Then the TCP window can be
    interpreted as a 32 bit value by considering
    the scaling factor that is given in the window
    scale field of a TCP SYN segment. This
    means that the scaling is fixed in each direc-
    tion at the establishment of the connection.
    When scaling the window, the value in the
    field is right-shifted a number of positions
    according to the value in the window scale
    field (binary shift). This is the same as saying
    that the scale factor is given as a power of two
    and coded logarithmically. Say scaling by
    8=2^3 means sending the value 3.

  • Loss recovery: As more data could be under
    way for a large bandwidth-delay product, a
    dropped packet may have large impact on
    the resulting throughput and more data might
    be scheduled for retransmission. Selective
    acknowledging packets and selective retrans-
    mission could alleviate this.

    • Estimating round-trip delay: Having an accu-
      rate estimate of the round-trip delay is essen-
      tial to avoid unnecessary retransmission at the
      same time as dropped packets are retransmit-
      ted without delaying the sender too much.
      Therefore, the retransmission timeout interval
      (RTO)has to be set properly based on esti-
      mates of the round-trip time (RTT). An addi-
      tional TCP option including a timestamp
      allows for improved estimates of RTT. Then
      the sender assigns a timestamp to the packet
      and the receiver returns this timestamp in the
      ACK segment (timestamp echoing). This
      implies that the timestamps returned are
      related to the ACKs that advance the window
      avoiding the introduction of “artificial delays”
      due to sequence buffering in the receiver
      (when ACKs are delayed and several seg-
      ments are to be acknowledged, this rule is
      not followed).

Two further mechanisms are described in
[RFC1323]; Round Trip Time Measurement
(RTTM) and Protect Against Wrapped Se-
quences(PAWS). The former addresses estimat-
ing round-trip delays, basically by introducing
time stamps in the segments.

When large amounts of packets can be on the
way, it may happen that sequence numbers are
to be used several times for the same connection
within a short time. This could cause sequence
numbers to be wrapped-around and also that
“old” packets arrive after the retransmitted ones,
possibly being mistaken for a packet belonging
to a following round of sequence numbering.
The PAWS mechanism has been proposed to
avoid this. The same mechanism as RTTM is
used, i.e. timestamps inserted into the segments.
Basically, if a segment is received for which the
timestamp is too old, this segment is dropped.
What is considered as too old is found by com-
paring the segment’s timestamp with the time-
stamp of the recent segment updating the
counter for the RTTM mechanism.

5.7 TCP and Short Transactions

For many applications a small amount of infor-
mation is to be exchanged by the end-points. An
example may be a message containing status
information of a network element reported to a
management system. Having to establish and
release (as well as maintain) a TCP connection
for such exchanges would imply additional over-
head in terms of messages and delays.

An extension to TCP for supporting (short)
transactions more efficiently is described in
[RFC1644]. Transactions are commonly used for
the client-server oriented end-user applications
as well as for several control and management
procedures. The objective of the TCP extension

Figure 12 Bandwidth-delay

Capacity, C

Bandwidth-delay product = C • t [volume]

Round-trip delay, t
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