
(Dana P.) #1
best high medium low (very) poor

R-value 90 – 100 80 – 90 70 – 80 60 – 70 0 – 60

tion delay. Since the total queuing delay Tque,1of
the first packet is stochastic, the one-way mouth-
to-ear delay of eq. (4) also is. For static dejitter-
ing mechanisms the dejittering delay Tjitis usu-
ally chosen on the safe side, i.e. such that in the
worst case (when the first arriving packet hap-
pens to be a fast one) at most a fraction Ploss,jit
of the packets get lost. Hence,

Tjit= F-1(Ploss,jit) (5)

Second, we consider a dynamically dejittered
packetized phone call. When the dynamic dejit-
tering mechanism is set to tolerate a packet loss
of Ploss,jit, the dejittering delay is gradually ad-
justed to compensate for the total queuing delay
Tque,1of the first packet, so that after a transition
period the one-way mouth-to-ear delay tends to

TM 2 E=
Tpack+ TDSP+ Tnet,min+ F-1(Ploss,jit). (6)

Comparing eq. (6) with eq. (4) combined with
(5), we see that adaptive dejittering can (eventu-
ally) economize on the one-way mouth-to-ear
delay by an amount equal to Tque,1.

Note that for packetized phone calls the mouth-
to-ear delay in one direction is not necessarily
the same as that in the reverse direction as each
of the terms in eq. (4) (or eq. (6)) may differ
from one direction to the other.

Distortion stems from the encoding of the voice
signal and from packet loss Ploss,netin the trans-
port over the network or from the packet loss
Ploss,jitin the dejittering buffer, i.e.

Ploss= 1 – (1 – Ploss,net)(1 – Ploss,jit) (7)

Note that also the packet loss (and even the
codec format) may differ from one direction
to the other.

In the next section we determine how this one-
way mouth-to-ear delay and this distortion im-
pact the quality of the call.

3 Parameters Determining the

Quality of a Phone Call

3.1 The E-model

The E-model is a tool to predict how an “aver-
age user” would rate a phone call of which the
characterizing transmission parameters are
known. Similar proprietary models exist (see
the references in [16]), but the E-model has the
advantage that it is standardized in ITU-T Rec-
ommendation G.107 [4]. Based on an extensive
set of subjective experiments, a scale, referred
to as the R-scale, was defined in [8] upon which
impairments are approximately additive in the
range of interest. Four types of impairments and
an advantage factor were identified, that is

R= R 0 – Is– Id– Ie+ A (8)

The first term R 0 groups the effects of noise and
is amongst other things a function of the level of
the circuit noise and the (effective) level of the
room noise (present at both sides). The second
term Isincludes impairments that occur simulta-
neously with the voice signal, such as those
caused by quantization, by too loud or too soft
a connection and by a non-optimum side tone.
The third term Idcomprises delayed impair-
ments, including impairments caused by talker
and listener echo or by a loss of interactivity. It
is mainly a function of the level and the delay of
the echo with respect to the original signal and
the mouth-to-ear delays in both directions. The
fourth term Iecovers impairments caused by
what is referred to as “the use of special equip-
ment” in ITU-T Recommendation G.107 and
groups effects due to distortion. It is a function
of the type of low-bit-rate codec used and the
fraction of lost packets. The fifth term A,
referred to as the expectation factor, expresses
the decrease in rating a user is willing to tolerate
because of the “access advantage” that certain
systems have over traditional wire-bound tele-
phony. As an example, the expectation factor A
for mobile telephony (e.g. GSM) is 10.

Based on the rating Rsubjective user reactions
can be predicted, such as the Mean Opinion
Score (MOS) a judging panel would give to the

Table 1 Quality classes
according to ITU-T
Recommendation G.109 PSTN quality

Speech transmission
quality category
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