
(Dana P.) #1
Telektronikk 2/3.2001

1 Introduction

Telecommunications as we have known it, is
being literally transformed with the convergence
of voice services with data and multimedia ser-
vices, mobility requirements, and the presence
of several competing players in the market. The
industrial age is allegedly over, the world is
going digital, global and on the net, and we have
entered the information era where new para-
digms are dominating corporate, social as well
as private life. Despite some ups and downs in
the forecasts, the fact remains that data traffic
has increased dramatically in the past years and
has now surpassed voice traffic in volume, signi-
fying a soft transition to the new economy. But
how do our networks catch up with this (r)evolu-

Today’s SONET/SDH network infrastructure
provides a guaranteed level of performance and
reliability for voice calls and leased lines. Exist-
ing networks have been designed for telephony
and are thus adequate for handling static traffic
patterns but rather inefficient in handling the
new traffic patterns that are dominated by data
traffic. In contrast to traffic generated by tele-
phony, data traffic patterns are more unpre-
dictable, asymmetric in terms of load distribu-
tion, and bursty in nature. Convergence in the
applications front, the potential for more sophis-
ticated services and the requirement for tailored
billing mechanisms in view of the expanding
competition in the liberalised telecom market,
create a positive feedback loop that further
strengthens the requirement for more dynamic
and flexible networks. In addition, because of
the dramatic increase in the capacity carried by
each cable (of the order of Tbit/s), it is manda-
tory to have reliable and fast ways to restore the
network in case of fibre cut or other failure and
to be able to prioritise traffic depending on the
carried service.

All in all, there is clearly a need to realise net-
works that can adapt to changing traffic require-

ments and can make a good use of the network
resources, with fast automatic reconfiguration,
efficient traffic engineering, and service differ-
entiation. These will allow a rationalised – i.e.
economical – use of the network, increase the
synergy between the different network platforms
and enable the introduction of new value-added

At the physical layer, the tremendous increase in
network capacity has been facilitated by techno-
logical advances in optical transmission systems,
i.e. the deployment of dense wavelength division
multiplexing (DWDM). Optical technology has
followed a rather explosive growth curve in the
past five years or so, primarily driven by the
growth in Internet traffic, and – not least – future
growth expectations. Optical transmission is
widely used in most parts of the network world-
wide, namely from transatlantic and pan-Euro-
pean connections, to national connections be-
tween cities as well as within cities. Metropol-
itan area networks are being built and becoming
predominantly fibre-based as many businesses
require high-bandwidth connections, and fibre
installations are taking off substantially also in
the residential customer access area.

The role optical technology has played so far has
been that of a “dumb fat pipe” – as it has been
described with a certain touch of endearment.
The network functionality potential of optical
technology is still largely unexploited and net-
works are today built using layer upon layer with
duplicated functionality. This is rather uneco-
nomical both in terms of cost and in terms of
time consumption, hence there is strong consen-
sus in the engineering community that network
architectures need to be rationalised, piles of
unnecessary equipment removed, and some lay-
ers collapsed. What is not quite clear yet is
exactly how this ought to be realised – what
architecture is most efficient, future proof, and
feasible – as well as what role optical technology
will play to best facilitate network evolution.

Optical Network Functionality: From

“Dumb Fat Pipes” to Bright Networking


Optical technology has experienced an explosive growth in the past years that has enabled multi-terabit
optical transmission over several hundreds of kilometres. Yet the potential of optical networking is far
from being exploited. Optical network functionality may be the answer to efficient and reliable data-cen-
tric networks, a technology that complements IP. This article aims at giving an overview of the driving
forces behind optical networking, the potential offered by it, the challenges encountered, and the current

Evi Zouganeli (38) studied
Applied Physics at the Univ. of
Patras, Greece, and after earn-
ing the national postgraduate
scholarship in 1986, she ob-
tained the MSc in Telecommuni-
cations (1988) and PhD in Opto-
electronics (1992), both from
University College London, UK.
She is currently Senior Research
Scientist at Telenor R&D with
interests focussing on optical
network architectures. She
joined Telenor R&D in 1994 and
has since worked on high
capacity optical transmission,
optical networking and migra-
tion scenarios, as well as strate-
gies for the upgrading of the
Norwegian network – both for
Telenor BUs and in European
collaboration projects. She is
member of a number of inter-
national Technical Committees.
Prior to joining Telenor, she was
with the Federal Institute of
Technology, Zürich, Switzer-
land, where she worked with
optical switching and high
capacity optical networks.
[email protected]

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