
(Dana P.) #1


AAA Authentication Authorisation Accounting

AAAARCH Authentication Authorisation Accounting
ARCHitecture research group

AAL ATM Adaptation Layer

AC Alternating Current
Application Categories

ACK Acknowledgement

ACS Admission Control Service

ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line

AF Assured Forwarding

AH Authentication Header

AMR Adaptive MultiRate

API Application Programming Interface

ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses

ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency

AS Autonomous System

ASCII American Standard Code and Information

ASI Application Specific Information

ASIC Application-Specific Integrated Circuit

ASM Application Specific Module

ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation no.1

ASON Automatically Switched Optical Network

ASP Application Service Provider

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode

BA Behaviour Aggregate

BB Bandwidth Broker

BBE Better than Best Effort

BE Best Effort

BER Bit Error Ratio

BGP Border Gateway Protocol

BGP-4 Border Gateway Protocol, version 4

BICC Bearer-Independent Call Control

B-ISDN Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network

BLA Business Level Agreement

BR Border Router

BS Bearer Service

CAC Call Admission Control
Connection Admission Control
CAR Committed Access Rate
CATV Cable Television
CBC Cipher Block Chaining
CBR Constraint-Based Routing
CBS Committed Burst Size
CBT Core Based Tree
CBWFQ Class-Based Weighted Fair Queueing
CC Connection Count
CCI Connection Controller Interface
CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative
Committee (now: ITU-T)
CDF Complementary Distribution Function
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CDR Committed Data Rate
CE Congestion Experienced (part of ECN mechanism)
Customer Edge
CI Configuration Interface
CID Class Identity
CIM Common Information Model
CIR Committed Information Rate
CIV Common Information Viewpoint
CL Controlled Load (Intserv class)
CLP Cell Loss Priority
CMIP Common Management Information
CN Core Network
COA Care-Of-Address
COPS Common Open Policy Service
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CoS Class of Service
CP Connection Point
CPE Customer Premises Equipment
CPG Connection Point Group
CPODA Contention Priority Oriented Demand Access
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Core Router
CR-LDP Constraint-Based Label Distribution Protocol
CRT Cathode Ray Terminal
CS Circuit Switched
Class Selector (Diffserv class)
CSCF Call State Control Function
CS-MGW Circuit Switched Media Gateway
CSPF Constrained Shortest Path First



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